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- /* $Filename: WormWars/Source/engine.c
- * $VER: WormWars 6.3
- *
- * © Copyright 2000 James R. Jacobs. Freely distributable.
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> /* EXIT_SUCCESS, EXIT_FAILURE */
- #include <assert.h>
- #define ASSERT
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "diff.h"
- #include "same.h"
- #include "engine.h"
- /* PRIVATE STRUCTURES -------------------------------------------------- */
- struct
- { SBYTE x, y, deltax, deltay;
- ABOOL alive, moved, teleported, visible, reflected;
- } bullet[9];
- struct
- { UWORD freq;
- ULONG score;
- } object[LASTOBJECT + 1] =
- { {1280, 60}, // AFFIXER
- { 60, 20}, // AMMO
- { 110, 20}, // ARMOUR
- { 70, 50}, // BIAS
- { 150, 30}, // BOMB
- { 80, 10}, // BONUS
- {1020, 60}, // CLOCK
- { 380, 50}, // CONVERTER
- { 160, 80}, // CUTTER
- { 250, 90}, // CYCLONE
- { 500, 30}, // FREEDOM
- { 320, 50}, // GROWER
- {1900, 90}, // HEALER
- {1360, 60}, // ICE
- { 140, 60}, // LIFE
- { 160, 80}, // LIGHTNING
- { 970, 80}, // MAGNET
- { 240, 40}, // MISSILE
- { 640, 50}, // MULTIPLIER
- { 400, 10}, // NITRO
- { 240, 30}, // POWER
- { 480, 50}, // PROTECTOR
- { 210, 40}, // PULSE
- { 300, 50}, // PUSHER
- { 400, 40}, // REMNANTS
- { 500, 30}, // SIDESHOT
- { 600, 40}, // SLAYER
- { 980, 40}, // SLOWER
- { 730, 70}, // SWITCHER
- { 320, 20}, // TONGUE
- {1400, 120}, // TREASURE
- {3800, 140} // UMBRELLA
- };
- /* -200 common
- 220-400 uncommon
- 420-980 rare
- 1000+ very rare */
- struct
- { SBYTE x, y, deltax, deltay, relx, rely;
- ABOOL alive, last, visible;
- } protector[4][PROTECTORS + 1];
- struct
- { SBYTE deltax, deltay;
- } thewormqueue[4][WORMQUEUELIMIT + 1];
- struct
- { SBYTE deltax, deltay;
- } thedogqueue[CREATURES + 1][DOGQUEUELIMIT + 1];
- struct
- { ABOOL alive;
- SBYTE x, y, player;
- UBYTE object;
- } magnet[MAGNETS + 1];
- SBYTE eachworm[4][2][9] =
- },
- } },
- },
- } },
- },
- } },
- },
- } } };
- /* Rules for variable types:
- SBYTE is used for field coordinates and queue indexes
- UBYTE is used for field contents
- SWORD is used for frequencies
- ULONG is used for scores */
- struct
- { ABOOL alive, explode, visible;
- SBYTE x, y, deltax, deltay, pos, time;
- UBYTE mode, dormant, multi, speed, last, oldlast, species,
- type; // type is relevant worm 0-3 (for drips, missiles and dogs)
- SWORD armour, tongue, freq;
- ULONG score;
- } creature[CREATURES + 1];
- // MODULE VARIABLES (used only within engine.c) ---------------------------
- MODULE ABOOL letters[4][LETTERS + 1], trainer;
- MODULE SBYTE freq, ice, lettertype, letterx, lettery, leveltype,
- treasurer;
- // GLOBAL VARIABLES (owned by engine.c, imported by system.c) -------------
- ABOOL clearthem = FALSE,
- modified = FALSE,
- randomflag = FALSE,
- randomarray[MAXLEVELS + 1];
- UBYTE board[MAXLEVELS + 1][FIELDX + 1][FIELDY + 1],
- field[FIELDX + 1][FIELDY + 1];
- players,
- level = 1, levels, reallevel, sourcelevel,
- startx[MAXLEVELS + 1], starty[MAXLEVELS + 1];
- SWORD secondsleft, secondsperlevel;
- TEXT pathname[81],
- date[DATELENGTH + 1],
- times[TIMELENGTH + 1];
- ULONG delay, r;
- struct HiScoreStruct hiscore[HISCORES + 1];
- struct TeleportStruct teleport[MAXLEVELS + 1][4];
- struct WormStruct worm[4];
- /* FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------------
- NAME align -- right-justify a string within another string
- FUNCTION Moves all text in a string to the right, padding with
- spaces. Does not itself add a null terminator.
- INPUTS string - pointer to the string of text
- size - size in characters of the containing string
- filler - what to pad the left of the string with
- NOTE Null terminators are written over by this function, but that
- does not matter, because calling functions use Text() with an
- explicit length. This function only works with monospaced
- fonts.
- MODULE engine.c */
- void align(STRPTR string, SBYTE size, TEXT filler)
- { SBYTE i, shift, length;
- length = strlen((const char*) string);
- shift = size - length;
- for (i = 1; i <= length; i++)
- *(string + size - i) = *(string + size - i - shift);
- for (i = 0; i <= shift - 1; i++)
- *(string + i) = filler;
- }
- MODULE ABOOL blocked(SBYTE which, SBYTE deltax, SBYTE deltay)
- { UBYTE c = field[xwrap(teleport[level][partner(which)].x + deltax)][ywrap(teleport[level][partner(which)].y + deltay)];
- if ((c < STONE || c > GOAT) && c != METAL)
- return FALSE;
- else return TRUE;
- }
- MODULE void bombblast(SBYTE triggerer, SBYTE player, SBYTE centrex, SBYTE centrey)
- { SBYTE counter, downy, downymax, leftx, leftxmax, rightx, rightxmax, strength, uppy, uppymax, x, y;
- ULONG score = 0;
- effect(FXUSE_BOMB);
- strength = BOMBADD + (rand() % BOMBRAND);
- leftxmax = centrex - strength;
- if (leftxmax < 0)
- leftxmax = 0;
- rightxmax = centrex + strength;
- if (rightxmax > FIELDX)
- rightxmax = FIELDX;
- uppymax = centrey - strength;
- if (uppymax < 0)
- uppymax = 0;
- downymax = centrey + strength;
- if (downymax > FIELDY)
- downymax = FIELDY;
- leftx = centrex;
- rightx = centrex;
- uppy = centrey;
- downy = centrey;
- for (counter = 1; counter <= strength; counter++)
- { if (leftx > leftxmax)
- { leftx--;
- for (y = uppy; y <= downy; y++)
- score += squareblast(triggerer, player, field[leftx][y], leftx, y, FALSE);
- }
- if (rightx < rightxmax)
- { rightx++;
- for (y = uppy; y <= downy; y++)
- score += squareblast(triggerer, player, field[rightx][y], rightx, y, FALSE);
- }
- if (uppy > uppymax)
- { uppy--;
- for (x = leftx; x <= rightx; x++)
- score += squareblast(triggerer, player, field[x][uppy], x, uppy, FALSE);
- }
- if (downy < downymax)
- { downy++;
- for (x = leftx; x <= rightx; x++)
- score += squareblast(triggerer, player, field[x][downy], x, downy, FALSE);
- } }
- if (triggerer == HEAD)
- wormscore(player, score);
- elif (triggerer == ORB)
- orbscore(player, score);
- if (worm[player].bias)
- stat(player, LIFE);
- }
- MODULE void bouncegoat(SBYTE which, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { if (field[x][y] == GOAT)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- orbscore(which, KILLGOAT);
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- } }
- MODULE ABOOL bounceorb(SBYTE which, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { if (field[x][y] == METAL)
- return TRUE;
- elif (creature[which].mode == NONE)
- { if (field[x][y] >= FIRSTNONE && field[x][y] <= LASTNONE)
- return TRUE;
- else return FALSE;
- } elif (creature[which].mode == TONGUE)
- { if (field[x][y] >= FIRSTTONGUE && field[x][y] <= LASTTONGUE)
- return TRUE;
- else return FALSE;
- } else
- { // assert(creature[which].mode == ARMOUR);
- if (field[x][y] >= FIRSTARMOUR && field[x][y] <= LASTARMOUR)
- return TRUE;
- else return FALSE;
- } }
- MODULE SBYTE bsign(SBYTE value)
- { if (value < 0)
- return (-1);
- elif (value > 0)
- return (1);
- else return (0);
- }
- MODULE void changefield(void)
- { SBYTE x, y;
- if (randomflag && a == PLAYGAME && level)
- { do
- { sourcelevel = (rand() % levels) + 1;
- } while (randomarray[level]);
- randomarray[level] = TRUE;
- } else sourcelevel = level;
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- field[x][y] = board[sourcelevel][x][y];
- }
- void clearhiscores(void)
- { SBYTE i;
- clearthem = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i <= HISCORES; i++)
- { hiscore[i].player = -1;
- hiscore[i].level = 0;
- hiscore[i].score = 0;
- hiscore[i].fresh = FALSE;
- hiscore[i].name[0] = 0;
- hiscore[i].time[0] = 0;
- hiscore[i].date[0] = 0;
- } }
- MODULE void clearletters(void)
- { SBYTE player, which;
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- for (which = 0; which <= LETTERS; which++)
- { letters[player][which] = FALSE;
- drawletter(player, FIRSTLETTER + which, BLACK);
- } }
- MODULE void copyfield(SBYTE source, SBYTE destination)
- { SBYTE which, x, y;
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- board[destination][x][y] = board[source][x][y];
- startx[destination] = startx[source];
- starty[destination] = starty[source];
- for (which = 0; which <= 1; which++)
- { teleport[destination][which].alive = teleport[source][which].alive;
- teleport[destination][which].x = teleport[source][which].x;
- teleport[destination][which].y = teleport[source][which].y;
- } }
- MODULE void death(void)
- { SBYTE pain, player, which;
- ABOOL slow;
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { if (worm[player].lives)
- { if (!worm[player].alive)
- { slow = FALSE;
- pain = 0;
- if (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTTAIL && worm[player].cause <= LASTTAIL)
- { if (player == worm[player].cause - FIRSTTAIL)
- pain = TAILPAIN;
- else pain = OTHERTAILPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- } elif (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTFIRE && worm[player].cause <= LASTFIRE)
- elif (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTHEAD && worm[player].cause <= LASTHEAD)
- pain = HEADPAIN;
- elif (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTPROTECTOR && worm[player].cause <= LASTPROTECTOR)
- elif (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTMISSILE && worm[player].cause <= LASTMISSILE)
- elif (worm[player].cause >= FIRSTDRIP && worm[player].cause <= LASTDRIP)
- pain = DRIPPAIN;
- else switch (worm[player].cause)
- {
- case BOMB:
- pain = BOMBPAIN;
- break;
- case WOOD:
- pain = WOODPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case FRAGMENT:
- break;
- case GOAT:
- pain = GOATPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case SLAYER:
- pain = SLAYERPAIN;
- break;
- case STONE:
- pain = STONEPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case TELEPORT:
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case SLIME:
- pain = SLIMEPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case METAL:
- pain = METALPAIN;
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- case REMNANTS:
- slow = TRUE;
- break;
- break;
- case PENGUIN:
- break;
- break;
- case DOG:
- pain = DOGPAIN;
- break;
- case CLOUD:
- pain = CLOUDPAIN;
- break;
- case ORB:
- pain = ORBPAIN;
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- }
- if (worm[player].victor >= 0 && worm[player].victor != player)
- { wormscore(worm[player].victor, KILLWORM);
- if (worm[worm[player].victor].bias)
- { worm[worm[player].victor].lives += pain;
- stat(worm[player].victor, LIFE);
- } }
- if (slow)
- { worm[player].speed = slowdown(worm[player].speed, worm[player].nitro);
- stat(player, NITRO);
- }
- if (pain > worm[player].lives)
- worm[player].lives = 0;
- else worm[player].lives -= pain;
- draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, SKULL);
- drawcause(player, NORMAL);
- stat(player, LIFE);
- if (level)
- worm[player].levelreached = level;
- else worm[player].levelreached = reallevel;
- if (worm[player].lives)
- { effect(FXPAIN + player);
- worm[player].alive = TRUE;
- worm[player].causewait = r + CAUSEWAIT;
- } else
- { /* kill worm */
- effect(FXDEATH_WORM);
- if (ice == player)
- ice = -1;
- field[worm[player].x][worm[player].y] = SKULL;
- for (which = 0; which <= PROTECTORS; which++)
- if (protector[player][which].alive && protector[player][which].visible)
- change(protector[player][which].x, protector[player][which].y, EMPTY);
- for (which = 0; which <= MAGNETS; which++)
- if (magnet[which].player == player)
- magnet[which].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[player].score >= worm[player].hiscore)
- worm[player].hiscore = worm[player].score;
- } } } }
- if (!worm[0].lives && !worm[1].lives && !worm[2].lives && !worm[3].lives)
- { /* End of game */
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].control != NONE && worm[player].score >= worm[player].hiscore)
- worm[player].hiscore = worm[player].score;
- newhiscores();
- effect(FXGAMEOVER);
- if (players == 1)
- say((STRPTR) "Game over!", worm[onlyworm(FALSE)].colour);
- elif (worm[0].control && ((!worm[1].control) || worm[1].score < worm[0].score) && ((!worm[2].control) || worm[2].score < worm[0].score) && ((!worm[3].control) || worm[3].score < worm[0].score))
- say((STRPTR) "Green wins!", GREEN);
- elif (worm[1].control && ((!worm[0].control) || worm[0].score < worm[1].score) && ((!worm[2].control) || worm[2].score < worm[1].score) && ((!worm[3].control) || worm[3].score < worm[1].score))
- say((STRPTR) "Red wins!", RED);
- elif (worm[2].control && ((!worm[0].control) || worm[0].score < worm[2].score) && ((!worm[1].control) || worm[1].score < worm[2].score) && ((!worm[3].control) || worm[3].score < worm[2].score))
- say((STRPTR) "Blue wins!", BLUE);
- elif (worm[3].control && ((!worm[0].control) || worm[0].score < worm[3].score) && ((!worm[1].control) || worm[1].score < worm[3].score) && ((!worm[2].control) || worm[2].score < worm[3].score))
- say((STRPTR) "Yellow wins!", YELLOW);
- else say((STRPTR) "A draw!", WHITE);
- waitasec();
- anykey(FALSE);
- } }
- MODULE void drawcause(SBYTE player, SBYTE state)
- { if (state == BLACK)
- draw(-2 + ((FIELDX + 4) * worm[player].statx), (FIELDY / 2) - CAUSEYDISTANCE + (worm[player].staty * CAUSEYDISTANCE * 2), BLACKENED);
- else draw(-2 + ((FIELDX + 4) * worm[player].statx), (FIELDY / 2) - CAUSEYDISTANCE + (worm[player].staty * CAUSEYDISTANCE * 2), worm[player].cause);
- }
- MODULE void drawletter(SBYTE player, SBYTE letter, SBYTE state)
- { UBYTE c;
- if (state == BLACK)
- else c = letter;
- if (!worm[player].statx)
- if (!worm[player].staty)
- draw(-7 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) % 4),
- (FIELDY / 2) - 2 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) / 4),
- c);
- else
- draw(-7 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) % 4),
- (FIELDY / 2) + 1 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) / 4),
- c);
- elif (!worm[player].staty)
- draw(FIELDX + 4 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) % 4),
- (FIELDY / 2) - 2 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) / 4),
- c);
- else
- draw(FIELDX + 4 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) % 4),
- (FIELDY / 2) + 1 + ((letter - FIRSTLETTER) / 4),
- c);
- }
- /* NAME enginesetup -- once-only initialization of engine variables
- SYNOPSIS enginesetup(void);
- FUNCTION Sets up the unchanging worm variables.
- MODULE engine.c */
- void enginesetup(void)
- { worm[0].statx = worm[0].staty = worm[1].staty = worm[2].statx = 0;
- worm[1].statx = worm[2].staty = worm[3].statx = worm[3].staty = 1;
- worm[0].colour = GREEN;
- worm[1].colour = RED;
- worm[2].colour = BLUE;
- worm[3].colour = YELLOW;
- worm[0].name[0] = worm[1].name[0] = worm[2].name[0] = worm[3].name[0] = 0;
- strcpy(pathname, DEFAULTSET);
- systemsetup();
- }
- /* NAME fastloop -- things done often
- SYNOPSIS fastloop(void);
- FUNCTION Checks for and handles level completion.
- MODULE engine.c */
- MODULE void fastloop(void)
- { ABOOL complete;
- SBYTE advancer = -1, player, which;
- /* update joystick `1' */
- joy0();
- /* flash letter */
- if (level)
- if (r % 8 == 1)
- draw(letterx, lettery, WHITENED);
- elif (r % 8 == 2)
- draw(letterx, lettery, lettertype);
- // flash icons
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { icon(player, ICE);
- icon(player, FREEDOM);
- icon(player, CUTTER);
- }
- /* handle level completion */
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { complete = TRUE;
- for (which = 0; which <= LETTERS; which++)
- if (!letters[player][which])
- complete = FALSE;
- if (complete)
- advancer = player;
- }
- if (advancer != -1)
- { if (level++ == 0)
- { level = reallevel + 1;
- reallevel = 0;
- }
- stopfx();
- if (level > levels)
- effect(FXCELEBRATE);
- newlevel(advancer);
- } }
- void fillfield(SBYTE which)
- { SBYTE x, y;
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- { board[level][x][y] = which;
- draw(x, y, which);
- }
- board[level][startx[level]][starty[level]] = EMPTY;
- draw(startx[level], starty[level], START);
- if (teleport[level][0].alive)
- { board[level][teleport[level][0].x][teleport[level][0].y] = TELEPORT;
- draw(teleport[level][0].x, teleport[level][0].y, ONE);
- }
- if (teleport[level][1].alive)
- { board[level][teleport[level][1].x][teleport[level][1].y] = TELEPORT;
- draw(teleport[level][1].x, teleport[level][1].y, TWO);
- } }
- MODULE ABOOL findempty(SBYTE* x, SBYTE* y, SBYTE first, SBYTE last)
- { SBYTE count = 0, xx, yy;
- do
- { xx = rand() % (FIELDX + 1);
- yy = rand() % (FIELDY + 1);
- } while ((field[xx][yy] < first || field[xx][yy] > last) && ++count < PATIENCE);
- if (count < PATIENCE)
- { *x = xx;
- *y = yy;
- return(TRUE);
- } else return(FALSE);
- }
- void gameloop(void)
- { SBYTE i, player;
- if (a == PLAYGAME)
- { fastloop();
- gameinput();
- }
- if (a == PLAYGAME)
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives && (!(r % worm[player].speed)) && (ice == -1 || ice == player))
- wormloop(player);
- joy0();
- if (a == PLAYGAME)
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive && (!(r % creature[i].speed)) && (ice == -1 || (creature[i].species == MISSILE && ice == creature[i].type)))
- creatureloop(i);
- joy0();
- if (a == PLAYGAME && !(r % MAGNETSPEED))
- magnetloop();
- joy0();
- if (a == PLAYGAME)
- death();
- joy0();
- if (a == PLAYGAME && !(r % VERYSLOW))
- slowloop();
- joy0();
- timing();
- }
- MODULE void killall(void)
- { UBYTE i;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i <= MAGNETS; i++)
- magnet[i].alive = FALSE;
- teleport[level][2].alive = FALSE;
- teleport[level][3].alive = FALSE;
- }
- void levelappend(void)
- { UBYTE oldlevel;
- if (levels < MAXLEVELS)
- { oldlevel = level;
- level = ++levels;
- newfield();
- level = oldlevel;
- saylevel(WHITE);
- } }
- void leveldelete(void)
- { SBYTE i;
- /* pull boards
- */
- if (levels > 1)
- { if (level < levels)
- for (i = level; i < levels; i++)
- copyfield(i + 1, i);
- else
- level--;
- levels--;
- saylevel(WHITE);
- turborender();
- } }
- void levelerase(void)
- { newfield();
- turborender();
- }
- void levelinsert(void)
- { SBYTE i;
- /* push boards
- */
- if (levels < MAXLEVELS)
- { for (i = levels; i >= level; i--)
- copyfield(i, i + 1);
- levels++;
- saylevel(WHITE);
- newfield();
- turborender();
- } }
- SBYTE loadfields(STRPTR fieldname)
- { SBYTE i, j, x, y;
- UBYTE ver;
- /* This routine is not entirely robust, especially regarding
- failures part way through reading. Also, field data values must be
- those supported by the field editor (ie. objects, and the squares
- represented by F1-F8), or undefined behaviour may result. None of
- this is currently checked for. Provided that the fieldset was
- created with the official field editor, and the file is not
- corrupt, these failures should never happen anyway.
- open file */
- // say("Opening...", WHITE);
- if (!ZOpen(fieldname, FALSE))
- return 1; /* no harm done */
- /* read header */
- // say("Reading header...", WHITE);
- if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, 10))
- { ZClose();
- return 2; /* no harm done */
- }
- if (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 6.3"))
- ver = 63;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 6.2"))
- ver = 62;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 6.0"))
- ver = 60;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 5.6"))
- ver = 56;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 5.5"))
- ver = 55;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 5.3"))
- ver = 53;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 5.1"))
- ver = 51;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 5.0"))
- ver = 50;
- elif (!strcmp(IOBuffer, "FSET 4.4"))
- ver = 44;
- else
- { ZClose();
- return 3; /* no harm done */
- }
- levels = IOBuffer[9];
- /* read high score table */
- // say("Reading high score table...", WHITE);
- for (i = 0; i <= HISCORES; i++)
- { if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, 6))
- { ZClose();
- return 4; /* incorrect levels */
- }
- hiscore[i].fresh = FALSE;
- hiscore[i].player = IOBuffer[0];
- hiscore[i].level = IOBuffer[1];
- hiscore[i].score = (IOBuffer[2] * 16777216)
- + (IOBuffer[3] * 65536)
- + (IOBuffer[4] * 256)
- + IOBuffer[5];
- if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, NAMELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return 5; /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores */
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= NAMELENGTH; j++)
- hiscore[i].name[j] = IOBuffer[j];
- if (ver >= 50)
- { if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, TIMELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return 6; /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores */
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= TIMELENGTH; j++)
- hiscore[i].time[j] = IOBuffer[j];
- if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, DATELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return 7; /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores */
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= DATELENGTH; j++)
- hiscore[i].date[j] = IOBuffer[j];
- } else
- { /* skip extra name character */
- if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, 1))
- { ZClose();
- return 8; /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores */
- } else
- { if (hiscore[i].name[0])
- { strcpy(hiscore[i].time, "??:??");
- strcpy(hiscore[i].date, "??/??/??");
- } else
- { hiscore[i].time[0] = 0;
- hiscore[i].date[0] = 0;
- } } } }
- // say("Reading level data...", WHITE);
- /* read level data */
- for (i = 0; i <= levels; i++)
- { if (!ZRead(IOBuffer, 8))
- { ZClose();
- return 9;
- /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores,
- incorrect startx, teleports, field data */
- }
- startx[i] = IOBuffer[0];
- starty[i] = IOBuffer[1];
- teleport[i][0].alive = IOBuffer[2];
- teleport[i][0].x = IOBuffer[3];
- teleport[i][0].y = IOBuffer[4];
- teleport[i][1].alive = IOBuffer[5];
- teleport[i][1].x = IOBuffer[6];
- teleport[i][1].y = IOBuffer[7];
- if (!ZRead((char *) &board[i][0][0], (FIELDX + 1) * (FIELDY + 1)))
- { ZClose();
- return 10;
- /* incorrect levels, corrupted high scores,
- incorrect startx, teleports, field data */
- } else
- { if (ver <= 44)
- { // convert from FSET 4.4 to FSET 5.0 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 16)
- board[i][x][y] += 2;
- }
- if (ver <= 50)
- { // convert from FSET 5.0 to FSET 5.1 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 11)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- }
- if (ver <= 51)
- { // convert from FSET 5.1 to FSET 5.3 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 7 && board[i][x][y] <= 63)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- }
- if (ver <= 53)
- { // convert from FSET 5.3 to FSET 5.5 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 20)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- }
- if (ver <= 55)
- { // convert from FSET 5.5 to FSET 5.6 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 13)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- }
- if (ver <= 56)
- { // convert from FSET 5.6 to FSET 6.0 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 8 && board[i][x][y] <= 20)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- elif (board[i][x][y] >= 21)
- board[i][x][y] += 2;
- }
- if (ver <= 60)
- { // convert from FSET 6.0 to FSET 6.2 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 7)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- }
- if (ver <= 62)
- { // convert from FSET 6.2 to FSET 6.3 format
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (board[i][x][y] >= 7)
- board[i][x][y]++;
- } } }
- // say("Open done.", WHITE);
- // no need to read version string
- ZClose();
- modified = FALSE;
- return 0;
- }
- MODULE void magnetloop(void)
- { SBYTE i;
- UBYTE c;
- for (i = 0; i <= MAGNETS; i++)
- if (magnet[i].alive)
- { // defensive programming to ensure magnet is still valid
- if (field[magnet[i].x][magnet[i].y] != magnet[i].object)
- magnet[i].alive = FALSE;
- else
- { change(magnet[i].x, magnet[i].y, EMPTY);
- magnet[i].x += bsign(worm[magnet[i].player].x - magnet[i].x);
- magnet[i].y += bsign(worm[magnet[i].player].y - magnet[i].y);
- c = field[magnet[i].x][magnet[i].y];
- if ((c >= FIRSTEMPTY && c <= LASTEMPTY)
- || (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL))
- change(magnet[i].x, magnet[i].y, magnet[i].object);
- elif (c >= FIRSTHEAD && c <= LASTHEAD)
- { change(magnet[i].x, magnet[i].y, magnet[i].object);
- wormscore(c - FIRSTHEAD, wormobject(c - FIRSTHEAD, magnet[i].x, magnet[i].y));
- change(magnet[i].x, magnet[i].y, FIRSTHEAD + magnet[i].player); // not entirely the right head image
- } else magnet[i].alive = FALSE;
- } } }
- void matchteleports(void)
- { SBYTE which;
- for (which = 0; which <= levels; which++)
- if (teleport[which][0].alive == TRUE && teleport[which][1].alive == FALSE)
- { board[which][teleport[which][0].x][teleport[which][0].y] = EMPTY;
- teleport[which][0].alive = FALSE;
- if (level == which && a == FIELDEDIT)
- draw(teleport[which][0].x, teleport[which][0].y, EMPTY);
- } elif (teleport[which][0].alive == FALSE && teleport[which][1].alive == TRUE)
- { board[which][teleport[which][1].x][teleport[which][1].y] = EMPTY;
- teleport[which][1].alive = FALSE;
- if (level == which && a == FIELDEDIT)
- draw(teleport[which][1].x, teleport[which][1].y, EMPTY);
- } }
- MODULE void newfield(void)
- { int x, y;
- teleport[level][0].alive = FALSE;
- teleport[level][1].alive = FALSE;
- startx[level] = FIELDX / 2;
- starty[level] = FIELDY / 2;
- if (level)
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- board[level][x][y] = EMPTY;
- else for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- board[0][x][y] = SILVER;
- }
- void newfields(void)
- { if (verify())
- { strcpy(pathname, DEFAULTSET);
- modified = FALSE;
- for (level = 0; level <= levels; level++)
- newfield();
- clearhiscores();
- level = 1;
- if (a == FIELDEDIT)
- { turborender();
- saylevel(WHITE);
- } else hiscores();
- } }
- void newgame(void)
- { SBYTE i, player;
- players = 0;
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { if (worm[player].control != NONE)
- players++;
- worm[player].lives = 0;
- worm[player].speed = NORMAL;
- worm[player].hiscore = 0;
- }
- for (i = 1; i <= MAXLEVELS; i++)
- randomarray[i] = FALSE;
- r = -1;
- trainer = FALSE;
- ice = -1;
- reallevel = 0;
- level = 1;
- clearscreen();
- newlevel(rand() % 4);
- timing();
- }
- MODULE void newhiscores(void)
- { PERSIST TEXT amiganame[4][NAMELENGTH + 1] = {"Jay Miner", "Carl Sassenrath", "R. J. Mical", "Dave Morse"};
- AUTO SBYTE i, j, player;
- datestamp();
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- for (i = 0; i <= HISCORES; i++)
- if (worm[player].control != NONE && worm[player].score >= hiscore[i].score)
- { /* push all worse hiscores down */
- if (i < HISCORES)
- for (j = HISCORES; j >= i + 1; j--)
- { hiscore[j].player = hiscore[j - 1].player;
- hiscore[j].level = hiscore[j - 1].level;
- hiscore[j].score = hiscore[j - 1].score;
- hiscore[j].fresh = hiscore[j - 1].fresh;
- strcpy(hiscore[j].name, hiscore[j - 1].name);
- strcpy(hiscore[j].date, hiscore[j - 1].date);
- strcpy(hiscore[j].time, hiscore[j - 1].time);
- }
- modified = TRUE;
- hiscore[i].player = player;
- hiscore[i].level = worm[player].levelreached;
- hiscore[i].score = worm[player].hiscore;
- if (worm[player].control == AMIGA)
- { strcpy(hiscore[i].name, amiganame[player]);
- hiscore[i].fresh = FALSE;
- } else
- { // assert(worm[player].control == HUMAN);
- strcpy(hiscore[i].name, "(New)");
- hiscore[i].fresh = TRUE;
- }
- strcpy(hiscore[i].time, times);
- strcpy(hiscore[i].date, date);
- break; /* vital */
- } }
- MODULE void newlevel(SBYTE player)
- { SBYTE i, j;
- if (level >= 2)
- rundown(player);
- if (a == PLAYGAME)
- { if (level > levels)
- { for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- { if (worm[i].lives)
- worm[i].levelreached = -1;
- if (worm[player].control != NONE && worm[player].score >= worm[player].hiscore)
- worm[player].hiscore = worm[player].score;
- }
- celebrate();
- newhiscores();
- titlescreen();
- } else
- { saylevel(WHITE);
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- { worm[i].multi = (SBYTE) atleast(worm[i].multi / 2, 1);
- worm[i].remnants = FALSE;
- }
- killall();
- clearletters();
- changefield();
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- { worm[i].speed = NORMAL;
- if (worm[i].lives)
- stat(i, NITRO);
- worm[i].moved = FALSE;
- worm[i].x = startx[sourcelevel];
- worm[i].y = starty[sourcelevel];
- switch(i)
- {
- case 0:
- worm[0].deltax = -1;
- worm[0].deltay = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- worm[1].deltax = 1;
- worm[1].deltay = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- worm[2].deltax = 0;
- worm[2].deltay = -1;
- break;
- case 3:
- worm[3].deltax = 0;
- worm[3].deltay = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- turborender();
- delay = atleast(DELAY_MAX - (level * DELAY_DEC), DELAY_MIN);
- if (level)
- { secondsperlevel = SECONDSPERLEVEL;
- putletter(-1);
- freq = (SBYTE) atleast(FREQ_MAX - (level * FREQ_DEC), FREQ_MIN);
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- { if (!worm[i].lives && worm[i].control != NONE)
- { /* create (or resurrect) a worm */
- worm[i].lives = STARTLIVES;
- worm[i].score = 0;
- worm[i].oldscore = 0;
- worm[i].armour = 0;
- worm[i].tongue = 0;
- worm[i].alive = TRUE;
- worm[i].nitro = FALSE;
- worm[i].flashed = FALSE;
- worm[i].mode = NOMODE;
- worm[i].power = 0;
- worm[i].bias = 0;
- worm[i].multi = 1;
- worm[i].ice = 0;
- worm[i].victor = -1;
- worm[i].ammo = 0;
- worm[i].remnants = FALSE;
- worm[i].affixer = FALSE;
- worm[i].sideshot = FALSE;
- worm[i].pusher = FALSE;
- worm[i].rammed = FALSE;
- worm[i].freedom = 0;
- worm[i].causewait = (ULONG) -1;
- worm[i].last = FIRSTTAIL + i;
- worm[i].pos = -1;
- worm[i].cutter = 0;
- for (j = 0; j <= PROTECTORS; j++)
- protector[i][j].alive = FALSE;
- for (j = 0; j <= LASTOBJECT; j++)
- stat(i, j);
- icon(i, ICE);
- icon(i, REMNANTS);
- icon(i, AFFIXER);
- icon(i, SIDESHOT);
- icon(i, PUSHER);
- icon(i, FREEDOM);
- icon(i, CUTTER);
- } } } } }
- clearjoystick();
- clearkybd();
- resettime();
- }
- MODULE void explosion(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, SBYTE exceptionx, SBYTE exceptiony)
- { UBYTE i, generated = 0;
- /* You wouldn't think this would work properly for pulse-explosions,
- because the worm's head is obliterated. However, it is refreshed (as
- tail) the next time wormloop() is called for that worm. */
- effect(FXGET_PULSE);
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if ((!(creature[i].alive)) && generated <= 7)
- { creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- if (level)
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(FRAGSPEED - (level / 2), 1);
- else creature[i].speed = BONUSFRAGSPEED;
- creature[i].species = FRAGMENT;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- switch (generated)
- {
- case 0:
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = -1;
- break;
- case 1:
- creature[i].deltax = 1;
- creature[i].deltay = -1;
- break;
- case 2:
- creature[i].deltax = 1;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- creature[i].deltax = 1;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- break;
- case 6:
- creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- break;
- case 7:
- creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = -1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- generated++;
- if (creature[i].deltax != exceptionx || creature[i].deltay != exceptiony)
- { creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- if (generated == 1)
- change(x, y, FRAGMENT);
- } } } }
- /* Many creatures take advantage of shared characteristics.
- 10 creature types (orbs, goats, drips, fragments, missiles, penguins,
- cyclones, dogs, clouds, timebombs) use the creature structure.
- Independent of it are worms, protectors, worm bullets and teleports. */
- MODULE void creatureloop(SBYTE which)
- { ABOOL happy = FALSE;
- UBYTE bestdistance = 255, distance, player, c, i;
- SBYTE x, y, xx, yy, xxx, yyy, frontx, fronty, rearx, reary;
- x = creature[which].x;
- y = creature[which].y;
- if (!valid(x, y)) // defensive programming
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- return;
- /* TEXT temp1[SAYLIMIT + 1], temp2[8];
- strcpy(temp1, "BAD CREATURE AT x: ");
- stci_d(temp2, x);
- strcat(temp1, temp2);
- strcat(temp1, ", y: ");
- stci_d(temp2, y);
- strcat(temp1, temp2);
- strcat(temp1, "!");
- say(temp1, PURPLE);
- draw(FIELDX + 1, 0, creature[which].species); // indicates which creature
- Delay(250);
- clearkybd();
- anykey(FALSE); */
- }
- if (creature[which].species == ORB && creature[which].explode)
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- explosion(x, y, -2, -2);
- return;
- }
- /* decide whether and where to move */
- switch(creature[which].species)
- {
- case CLOUD:
- if (creature[which].x == 0 || creature[which].x == FIELDX)
- creature[which].deltax = -creature[which].deltax;
- break;
- case TIMEBOMB:
- /* decrement and explode timebombs */
- if (field[x][y] != TIMEBOMB)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- else
- { effect(FXDO_BOMB);
- creature[which].time--;
- if (creature[which].time < 0)
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- bombblast(BOMB, 0, x, y);
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- } else draw(x, y, ZERO + creature[which].time);
- }
- return; // not a bug
- break;
- case DOG:
- /* remove a movement from the dog queue */
- if (creature[which].dormant == CHASING)
- { if (creature[which].pos != -1)
- { creature[which].deltax = thedogqueue[which][0].deltax;
- creature[which].deltay = thedogqueue[which][0].deltay;
- if (--creature[which].pos != -1)
- { for (i = 0; i <= creature[which].pos; i++)
- { thedogqueue[which][i].deltax = thedogqueue[which][i + 1].deltax;
- thedogqueue[which][i].deltay = thedogqueue[which][i + 1].deltay;
- } } }
- else creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case PENGUIN:
- do
- { xx = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- yy = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- } while (!valid(x + xx, y + yy));
- c = field[x + xx][y + yy];
- if (c >= FIRSTEMPTY && c <= LASTEMPTY)
- { creature[which].deltax = xx;
- creature[which].deltay = yy;
- } else
- { creature[which].deltax = 0;
- creature[which].deltay = 0;
- }
- break;
- /* Whirlwinds has a slight upwards drift.
- Higher values of UNDRIFT make it less buoyant. */
- creature[which].deltax = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- if (!(rand() % UNDRIFT))
- creature[which].deltay = (rand() % 2) - 1;
- else creature[which].deltay = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- break;
- case MISSILE:
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { if (creature[which].type != player && worm[player].lives && (!worm[player].bias))
- { xx = abs(worm[player].x - x);
- yy = abs(worm[player].y - y);
- if (xx < yy)
- distance = xx;
- else distance = yy;
- if (distance <= bestdistance)
- { bestdistance = distance;
- creature[which].deltax = bsign(worm[player].x - x);
- creature[which].deltay = bsign(worm[player].y - y);
- } }
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive && which != i)
- { if
- ( creature[i].species == ORB
- || (creature[i].species == MISSILE && creature[i].type != creature[which].type)
- || creature[i].species == GOAT
- )
- { xx = abs(creature[i].x - x);
- yy = abs(creature[i].y - y);
- if (xx < yy)
- distance = xx;
- else distance = yy;
- if (distance <= bestdistance)
- { bestdistance = distance;
- creature[which].deltax = bsign(creature[i].x - x);
- creature[which].deltay = bsign(creature[i].y - y);
- } } } }
- if (bestdistance == 255)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case ORB:
- frontx = xwrap(x + creature[which].deltax); /* look in front */
- fronty = ywrap(y + creature[which].deltay);
- rearx = xwrap(x - creature[which].deltax); /* look behind */
- reary = ywrap(y - creature[which].deltay);
- if (bounceorb(which, frontx, fronty))
- { bouncegoat(which, frontx, fronty);
- xx = -creature[which].deltax; /* default bounce angle is 180° */
- yy = -creature[which].deltay;
- if (!bounceorb(which, frontx, reary))
- { if (bounceorb(which, rearx, fronty))
- { bouncegoat(which, rearx, fronty);
- xx = creature[which].deltax;
- } }
- elif (!bounceorb(which, rearx, fronty))
- { bouncegoat(which, rearx, fronty);
- yy = creature[which].deltay;
- }
- creature[which].deltax = xx;
- creature[which].deltay = yy;
- }
- break;
- case GOAT:
- /* decide whether to move */
- if (!(rand() % GOATMOVE))
- { for (xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++)
- for (yy = y - 1; yy <= y + 1; yy++)
- if (valid(xx, yy) && field[xx][yy] >= FIRSTEMPTY && field[xx][yy] <= LASTEMPTY)
- { happy = TRUE;
- break;
- } }
- creature[which].deltax = 0;
- creature[which].deltay = 0;
- if (!happy)
- { xx = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- yy = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- if (valid(x + xx, y + yy) && (xx || yy))
- { c = field[x + xx][y + yy];
- if (c >= FIRSTGOAT && c <= LASTGOAT && c != GOAT)
- { creature[which].last = creature[which].oldlast;
- creature[which].oldlast = c;
- creature[which].deltax = xx;
- creature[which].deltay = yy;
- } } }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* now move */
- if (creature[which].deltax || creature[which].deltay)
- { if (creature[which].visible)
- { /* erase previous image */
- change(x, y, creature[which].last);
- creature[which].last = EMPTY;
- }
- if (creature[which].alive)
- { creature[which].x += creature[which].deltax;
- creature[which].y += creature[which].deltay;
- if (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { creature[which].x = xwrap(creature[which].x);
- creature[which].y = ywrap(creature[which].y);
- } elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND || creature[which].species == DOG)
- { if (!valid(creature[which].x, creature[which].y))
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- } } }
- creature[which].visible = TRUE;
- x = creature[which].x;
- y = creature[which].y;
- /* Collision detection.
- Goats, penguins, timebombs don't need to go through this. */
- if
- ( creature[which].alive
- && creature[which].species != GOAT
- && creature[which].species != PENGUIN
- && (creature[which].deltax || creature[which].deltay)
- )
- { c = field[x][y];
- if (c >= FIRSTHEAD && c <= LASTHEAD)
- { if (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- wormmissile(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == DOG)
- wormdog(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- wormfrag(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- wormdrip(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- wormwhirlwind(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudworm(x, y, which, c - FIRSTHEAD);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { wormorb(x, y, c - FIRSTHEAD, which);
- creature[which].last = c - FIRSTHEAD + FIRSTTAIL; /* note sign issues */
- } }
- elif (c == TIMEBOMB)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, TIMEBOMB, which)].alive = FALSE;
- bombblast(BOMB, 0, x, y);
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- { if (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { if (creature[which].mode == TONGUE)
- effect(FXUSE_TONGUE);
- else
- { if (worm[c - FIRSTTAIL].alive)
- { effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- wormscore(c - FIRSTTAIL, creature[which].score);
- if (worm[c - FIRSTTAIL].bias)
- { worm[c - FIRSTTAIL].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- stat(c - FIRSTTAIL, LIFE);
- } }
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- } } }
- { if (creature[which].species == DOG)
- protdog(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- protdrip(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- protmissile(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- protfrag(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- protorb(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == PENGUIN)
- protpenguin(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- protwhirlwind(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudprot(x, y, which, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTLETTER && c <= LASTLETTER)
- { if (creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == MISSILE || creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- } elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { letters[player][c - FIRSTLETTER] = FALSE;
- drawletter(player, c, BLACK);
- }
- putletter(-1);
- orbscore(which, LETTERPOINT);
- } elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- putletter(-1);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTDRIP && c <= LASTDRIP)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DRIP, which);
- if (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- dripfrag(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- dripmissile(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- driporb(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- dripwhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- clouddrip(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTMISSILE && c <= LASTMISSILE)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, MISSILE, which);
- if (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- fragmissile(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- dripmissile(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- orbmissile(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- missilewhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- missilemissile(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudmissile(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == WHIRLWIND)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, WHIRLWIND, which);
- if (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- dripwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- missilewhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- orbwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- whirlwindwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- fragwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == DOG)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DOG, which);
- if (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- dogfrag(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == PENGUIN)
- dogpenguin(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- dogorb(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[i].species == DRIP)
- dogdrip(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[i].species == WHIRLWIND)
- dogwhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[i].species == MISSILE)
- dogmissile(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[i].species == DOG)
- dogdog(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[i].species == CLOUD)
- clouddog(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == PENGUIN)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, PENGUIN, which);
- if (creature[which].species == ORB)
- orbpenguin(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == DOG)
- dogpenguin(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- penguinwhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- missilepenguin(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- drippenguin(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudpenguin(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == FRAGMENT)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, FRAGMENT, which);
- if (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- fragmissile(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- dripfrag(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- fragorb(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- fragfrag(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- fragwhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudfrag(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == DOG)
- dogfrag(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == METAL)
- { if (creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == MISSILE || creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- reflect(which);
- } elif (c == STONE)
- { if (creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == MISSILE || creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- elif (c == WOOD)
- { if (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == MISSILE || creature[which].species == CLOUD || creature[which].species == DRIP)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- elif (c == GOAT)
- { /* Drips, fragments, missiles, cyclones, dogs, clouds */
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, which)].alive = FALSE;
- effect(FXDEATH_GOAT);
- if (creature[which].species != WHIRLWIND)
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- if (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- { wormscore(creature[which].type, KILLGOAT);
- if (worm[creature[which].type].bias)
- { worm[creature[which].type].lives += GOATBLOOD;
- stat(creature[which].type, LIFE);
- } } }
- elif (c == SLIME)
- { if (creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == MISSILE || (creature[which].species == ORB && creature[which].mode != ARMOUR))
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- } }
- elif (c == SKULL)
- { if (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { effect(FXGET_SKULL);
- orbscore(which, SKULLPOINT);
- } elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT || creature[which].species == DRIP || creature[which].species == MISSILE || creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- elif (c == TELEPORT)
- { /* Drips, fragments, missiles, orbs, whirlwinds, dogs, clouds */
- i = whichteleport(x, y);
- if (blocked(i, creature[which].deltax, creature[which].deltay))
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- else
- { effect(FXUSE_TELEPORT);
- creature[which].x = teleport[level][partner(i)].x + creature[which].deltax;
- creature[which].y = teleport[level][partner(i)].y + creature[which].deltay;
- if (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { orbscore(which, TELPOINT);
- creature[which].x = xwrap(creature[which].x);
- creature[which].y = ywrap(creature[which].y);
- } else
- { if (!(valid(creature[which].x, creature[which].y)))
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- if (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- creature[which].last = SILVER;
- } } }
- elif (c == ORB)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, ORB, which);
- if (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- driporb(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- fragorb(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- orbwhirlwind(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == PENGUIN)
- orbpenguin(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- orbmissile(x, y, i, which);
- elif (creature[which].species == DOG)
- dogorb(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- orborb(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudorb(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (c == CLOUD)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, CLOUD, which);
- if (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- clouddrip(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == FRAGMENT)
- cloudfrag(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == WHIRLWIND)
- cloudwhirlwind(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == PENGUIN)
- cloudpenguin(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- cloudmissile(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == DOG)
- clouddog(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- cloudorb(x, y, which, i);
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- cloudcloud(x, y, which, i);
- } elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { if (c <= LASTOBJECT)
- { orbscore(which, object[c].score);
- if (c == AMMO || c == PULSE || c == SLAYER || c == LIGHTNING)
- { if (creature[which].mode != ARMOUR)
- creature[which].explode = TRUE;
- else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- } elif (c == NITRO || c == POWER || c == SLOWER || c == CYCLONE)
- { effect(FXGET_NITRO);
- creature[which].speed = speedup(creature[which].speed, TRUE);
- } elif (c == HEALER || c == LIFE || c == ICE || c == TREASURE || c == UMBRELLA || c == BONUS)
- orbsplit(which);
- else switch (c)
- {
- case BOMB:
- draw(x, y, ORB);
- bombblast(ORB, which, x, y);
- break;
- case ARMOUR:
- creature[which].armour += MODEADD + (rand() % MODERAND);
- creature[which].mode = ARMOUR;
- break;
- case TONGUE:
- creature[which].tongue += MODEADD + (rand() % MODERAND);
- creature[which].mode = TONGUE;
- break;
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives)
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- if (protector[player][i].alive)
- { protector[player][i].alive = FALSE;
- if (protector[player][i].visible)
- change(protector[player][i].x, protector[player][i].y, EMPTY);
- }
- break;
- case MISSILE:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (creature[i].alive && creature[i].species == MISSILE)
- { creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- } }
- break;
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- creature[which].multi *= 2;
- if (creature[which].multi > MULTILIMIT)
- creature[which].multi = MULTILIMIT;
- break;
- case BIAS:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives && worm[player].bias)
- { worm[player].bias = 0;
- stat(player, BIAS);
- }
- break;
- case AFFIXER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives)
- { worm[player].affixer = FALSE;
- icon(player, AFFIXER);
- }
- break;
- case REMNANTS:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives)
- { worm[player].remnants = FALSE;
- icon(player, REMNANTS);
- }
- break;
- case SIDESHOT:
- effect(FXGET_POWERUP);
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives)
- { worm[player].sideshot = FALSE;
- icon(player, SIDESHOT);
- }
- break;
- case MAGNET:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (i = 0; i <= MAGNETS; i++)
- if (magnet[i].alive)
- magnet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case PUSHER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- if (worm[i].lives && worm[i].pusher)
- { worm[i].pusher = FALSE;
- icon(player, PUSHER);
- }
- break;
- case FREEDOM:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] >= FIRSTFIRE && field[xx][yy] <= LASTFIRE)
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- break;
- case SWITCHER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] >= FIRSTTAIL && field[xx][yy] <= LASTTAIL)
- change(xx, yy, WOOD);
- break;
- case GROWER:
- effect(FXGET_GROWER);
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] == WOOD)
- for (xxx = xx - 1; xxx <= xx + 1; xxx++)
- for (yyy = yy - 1; yyy <= yy + 1; yyy++) if (valid(xxx, yyy) && field[xxx][yyy] == EMPTY)
- field[xxx][yyy] = TEMPWOOD;
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] == TEMPWOOD)
- change(xx, yy, WOOD);
- break;
- case CLOCK:
- secondsperlevel -= rand() % CLOCKRAND;
- if (secondsperlevel < 0)
- secondsperlevel = 0;
- break;
- case CUTTER:
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- if (worm[i].lives && worm[i].cutter)
- { worm[i].cutter = 0;
- icon(player, CUTTER);
- }
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- } }
- elif (c == EMPTY)
- orbscore(which, EMPTYPOINT);
- elif (c == SILVER)
- orbscore(which, SILVERPOINT);
- elif (c == GOLD)
- orbscore(which, GOLDPOINT);
- } }
- x = creature[which].x; /* We refresh these in case a fragment has been */
- y = creature[which].y; /* reflected. Yes, it is vital. */
- if (creature[which].alive && creature[which].visible && (creature[which].deltax || creature[which].deltay))
- { if (creature[which].species == MISSILE)
- change(x, y, FIRSTMISSILE + creature[which].type);
- elif (creature[which].species == DRIP)
- change(x, y, FIRSTDRIP + creature[which].type);
- elif (creature[which].species == ORB)
- { field[x][y] = ORB;
- if (creature[which].mode == TONGUE)
- draw(x, y, ORBTONGUE);
- elif (creature[which].mode == ARMOUR)
- draw(x, y, ORBARMOUR);
- else draw(x, y, ORB);
- } else /* fragments, goats, penguins, cyclones, dogs, clouds */
- change(x, y, creature[which].species);
- }
- if (creature[which].alive)
- { /* decide whether to fire */
- if (creature[which].species == GOAT)
- { if (!(rand() % 10))
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { creature[i].deltax = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- creature[i].deltay = (rand() % 3) - 1;
- if
- ( valid(x + creature[i].deltax, y + creature[i].deltay)
- && (creature[i].deltax || creature[i].deltay)
- )
- { c = field[x + creature[i].deltax][y + creature[i].deltay];
- if
- ( (c >= FIRSTEMPTY && c <= LASTEMPTY)
- || (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- )
- { effect(FXDO_GOAT);
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].species = FRAGMENT;
- creature[i].x = x + creature[i].deltax;
- creature[i].y = y + creature[i].deltay;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(FRAGSPEED - (level / 2), 1);
- } }
- break;
- } } } }
- elif (creature[which].species == CLOUD)
- { if (!(rand() % 30))
- { cloudbullet(which, x, y, -1);
- cloudbullet(which, x, y, 1);
- } } }
- }
- MODULE void cloudbullet(UBYTE which, SBYTE x, SBYTE y, SBYTE deltay)
- { UBYTE i, c;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = deltay;
- if (valid(x + creature[i].deltax, y + creature[i].deltay))
- { c = field[x + creature[i].deltax][y + creature[i].deltay];
- if
- ( (c >= FIRSTEMPTY && c <= LASTEMPTY)
- || (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- )
- { effect(FXDO_CLOUD);
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].species = FRAGMENT;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y + creature[i].deltay;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(FRAGSPEED - (level / 2), 1);
- } }
- break;
- } } }
- MODULE void orbsplit(SBYTE which)
- { SBYTE copy = 0, i;
- effect(FXDO_ORB);
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { creature[i].x = creature[which].x;
- creature[i].y = creature[which].y;
- creature[i].score = creature[which].score;
- creature[i].armour = creature[which].armour;
- creature[i].tongue = creature[which].tongue;
- creature[i].mode = creature[which].mode;
- creature[i].speed = creature[which].speed;
- creature[i].explode = FALSE;
- creature[i].multi = creature[which].multi;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].species = ORB;
- switch (copy)
- {
- case 0:
- if (creature[which].deltax != -1 || creature[which].deltay != -1)
- { creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = -1;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (creature[which].deltax != 1 || creature[which].deltay != 1)
- { creature[i].deltax = 1;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (creature[which].deltax != 1 || creature[which].deltay != -1)
- { creature[i].deltax = 1;
- creature[i].deltay = -1;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if (creature[which].deltax != -1 || creature[which].deltay != 1)
- { creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (++copy >= 4)
- return;
- } } }
- SBYTE partner(SBYTE which)
- { if (which % 2 == 0)
- return((SBYTE) (which + 1));
- else return((SBYTE) (which - 1));
- }
- /* NAME putletter -- Put a letter onto the field
- SYNOPSIS void putletter(SBYTE player);
- INPUTS SBYTE player -
- 0-3: player on whose behalf the letter is put on for
- -1: any letter
- RESULT none */
- MODULE void putletter(SBYTE player)
- { ABOOL done;
- SBYTE i, x, y;
- UBYTE letter;
- do
- { done = findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY);
- } while (!done);
- if (player != -1)
- { for (i = 0; i <= LETTERS; i++)
- if (!(letters[player][i]))
- { break;
- }
- if (i > LETTERS) /* if no spare letters */
- letter = rand() % (LETTERS + 1);
- else
- { do
- letter = rand() % (LETTERS + 1);
- while (letters[player][letter]);
- } }
- else letter = rand() % (LETTERS + 1);
- change(x, y, letter + FIRSTLETTER);
- letterx = x;
- lettery = y;
- lettertype = letter + FIRSTLETTER;
- }
- /* NAME queue -- adds a keystroke to the key queue
- FUNCTION Adds a keystroke to the in-game key queue.
- INPUTS player - player that pressed the key
- deltax - the deltax of the key
- deltay - the deltay of the key
- thewormqueue[] array has WORMQUEUELIMIT as its last index.
- It is implemented as a FIFO stack rather than LIFO so that
- the keystrokes are processed in the correct order (that is,
- the order in which they were pressed). The oldest keystroke
- is always at index [0], the next oldest at [1], and so on
- upwards to the newest keystroke, at [worm[player].pos].
- Keystrokes are removed from the bottom of the array ([0]),
- and the rest of the array is shuffled down to fill the gap,
- so that the contents of [1] go to [0], the contents of [2]
- go to [1], etc. worm[player].pos is adjusted to always point
- to the newest entry, which is the 'end' of the queue.
- MODULE engine.c */
- void wormqueue(SBYTE player, SBYTE deltax, SBYTE deltay)
- { if (worm[player].pos < WORMQUEUELIMIT)
- { worm[player].pos++;
- thewormqueue[player][worm[player].pos].deltax = deltax;
- thewormqueue[player][worm[player].pos].deltay = deltay;
- } }
- MODULE void dogqueue(SBYTE which, SBYTE deltax, SBYTE deltay)
- { if (creature[which].pos < DOGQUEUELIMIT)
- { creature[which].pos++;
- thedogqueue[which][creature[which].pos].deltax = deltax;
- thedogqueue[which][creature[which].pos].deltay = deltay;
- } else
- { creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- change(creature[which].x, creature[which].y, EMPTY);
- } }
- MODULE void reflect(UBYTE which)
- { creature[which].deltax = -creature[which].deltax;
- creature[which].deltay = -creature[which].deltay;
- creature[which].x += creature[which].deltax * 2;
- creature[which].y += creature[which].deltay * 2;
- }
- ABOOL savefields(STRPTR fieldname)
- { SBYTE i, j;
- matchteleports();
- if (!ZOpen(fieldname, TRUE))
- return FALSE;
- /* write header */
- strcpy(IOBuffer, "FSET 6.3");
- IOBuffer[9] = levels;
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, 10))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* write high score table */
- for (i = 0; i <= HISCORES; i++)
- { IOBuffer[0] = hiscore[i].player;
- IOBuffer[1] = hiscore[i].level;
- IOBuffer[2] = hiscore[i].score / 16777216;
- IOBuffer[3] = (hiscore[i].score % 16777216) / 65536;
- IOBuffer[4] = ((hiscore[i].score % 16777216) % 65536) / 256;
- IOBuffer[5] = ((hiscore[i].score % 16777216) % 65536) % 256;
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, 6))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= NAMELENGTH; j++)
- IOBuffer[j] = hiscore[i].name[j];
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, NAMELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= TIMELENGTH; j++)
- IOBuffer[j] = hiscore[i].time[j];
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, TIMELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (j = 0; j <= DATELENGTH; j++)
- IOBuffer[j] = hiscore[i].date[j];
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, DATELENGTH + 1))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- } }
- /* write level data */
- for (i = 0; i <= levels; i++)
- { IOBuffer[0] = startx[i];
- IOBuffer[1] = starty[i];
- IOBuffer[2] = teleport[i][0].alive;
- IOBuffer[3] = teleport[i][0].x;
- IOBuffer[4] = teleport[i][0].y;
- IOBuffer[5] = teleport[i][1].alive;
- IOBuffer[6] = teleport[i][1].x;
- IOBuffer[7] = teleport[i][1].y;
- if (!ZWrite(IOBuffer, 8))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!ZWrite((char *) &board[i][0][0], (FIELDX + 1) * (FIELDY + 1)))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- } }
- /* write version string */
- if (!ZWrite(VERSION, strlen(VERSION)))
- { ZClose();
- return FALSE;
- }
- ZClose();
- if (clearthem)
- clearhiscores();
- modified = FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void saylevel(COLOUR colour)
- { TEXT mainstring[15] = "Level ", tempstring[4];
- if (level > 0)
- { stci_d(&mainstring[6], level);
- strcat((char*) mainstring, " of ");
- stci_d(tempstring, levels);
- strcat((char*) mainstring, (char*) tempstring);
- say(mainstring, colour);
- } else
- { if (a == FIELDEDIT)
- say("Bonus Level", colour);
- else
- { if (leveltype == TREASURE)
- say("Bonus Level: Treasury!", colour);
- elif (leveltype == DRIP)
- say("Bonus Level: Drips!", colour);
- else
- { // assert(leveltype == PENGUIN);
- say("Bonus Level: Penguins!", colour);
- } } } }
- MODULE SBYTE slowdown(SBYTE speed, ABOOL nitro)
- { speed *= 2;
- if (nitro)
- { if (speed > VERYSLOW)
- speed = VERYSLOW;
- } elif (speed > SLOW)
- speed = SLOW;
- return(speed);
- }
- MODULE void slowloop(void)
- { SBYTE i, player, which, x, xx, y, yy;
- UBYTE thissy;
- /* decrement worm strength */
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- if (worm[player].lives > 0 && (ice == -1 || ice == player))
- { if (worm[player].bias > 0)
- { worm[player].bias--;
- stat(player, BIAS);
- }
- if (worm[player].cutter > 0)
- { worm[player].cutter--;
- icon(player, CUTTER);
- }
- if (worm[player].freedom > 0)
- { worm[player].freedom--;
- icon(player, FREEDOM);
- }
- if (worm[player].ice > 0)
- { worm[player].ice--;
- icon(player, ICE);
- for (which = 0; which <= 3; which++)
- if (player != which)
- worm[which].pos = -1;
- ice = -1;
- icon(player, ICE);
- }
- if (worm[player].mode == ARMOUR)
- { if (--worm[player].armour == 0)
- { if (worm[player].tongue > 0)
- worm[player].mode = TONGUE;
- else worm[player].mode = NOMODE;
- }
- stat(player, ARMOUR);
- } elif (worm[player].mode == TONGUE)
- { if (--worm[player].tongue == 0)
- { if (worm[player].armour > 0)
- worm[player].mode = ARMOUR;
- else worm[player].mode = NOMODE;
- }
- stat(player, TONGUE);
- } }
- /* blank out old causes */
- for (player = 0; player <= 3; player++)
- { if (worm[player].lives > 0 && r > worm[player].causewait)
- { drawcause(player, BLACK);
- worm[player].causewait = (ULONG) -1; /* most future time possible */
- } }
- if (ice == -1)
- { if (level)
- { /* decrement orb strength */
- for (which = 0; which <= CREATURES; which++)
- if (creature[which].alive && creature[which].species == ORB)
- if (creature[which].mode == ARMOUR)
- { if (--creature[which].armour == 0)
- if (creature[which].tongue > 0)
- creature[which].mode = TONGUE;
- else creature[which].mode = NOMODE;
- } elif (creature[which].mode == TONGUE)
- { if (--creature[which].tongue == 0)
- if (creature[which].armour > 0)
- creature[which].mode = ARMOUR;
- else creature[which].mode = NOMODE;
- }
- /* create goats */
- if
- ( (!(rand() % freq))
- && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTGOAT, LASTGOAT)
- && field[x][y] != GOAT
- )
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { effect(FXBORN_GOAT);
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].species = GOAT;
- creature[i].last = creature[i].oldlast = field[x][y];
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(GOATSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- change(x, y, GOAT);
- break;
- } } }
- /* create orbs */
- if
- ( (!(rand() % freq))
- && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY)
- )
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { effect(FXBORN_ORB);
- creature[i].deltax = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1;
- creature[i].deltay = (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1;
- creature[i].score = 0;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].armour = 0;
- creature[i].tongue = 0;
- creature[i].mode = NOMODE;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(ORBSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- creature[i].species = ORB;
- creature[i].explode = FALSE;
- creature[i].multi = 1;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- change(x, y, ORB);
- break;
- } } }
- /* create dogs */
- if ((!(rand() % freq)) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY))
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (!(creature[i].alive))
- { creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(DOGSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- creature[i].species = DOG;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].pos = -1;
- creature[i].dormant = DORMANT; /* dormant */
- field[x][y] = DOG;
- draw(x, y, DOGDORMANT);
- break;
- } }
- /* create slime */
- if ((!(rand() % (freq * 2))) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY))
- change(x, y, SLIME);
- /* grow slime */
- if (!(rand() % (freq * 2)))
- { for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] == SLIME)
- for (xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++)
- for (yy = y - 1; yy <= y + 1; yy++)
- if (valid(xx, yy) && field[xx][yy] == EMPTY && !(rand() % 2))
- field[xx][yy] = TEMPSLIME;
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] == TEMPSLIME)
- change(x, y, SLIME);
- }
- /* create timebombs */
- if ((!(rand() % (freq * 8))) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY))
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (!(creature[i].alive))
- { creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(TIMEBOMBSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- creature[i].species = TIMEBOMB;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].time = 10;
- field[x][y] = TIMEBOMB;
- draw(x, y, ZERO + 9);
- break;
- } } }
- /* create drips */
- if
- ( (level && (!(rand() % freq)))
- || ((!level) && leveltype == DRIP && (!(rand() % FREQ_DRIP)))
- )
- { x = (rand() % (FIELDX + 1));
- y = (rand() % 3);
- thissy = field[x][y];
- if (thissy >= FIRSTEMPTY && thissy <= LASTEMPTY)
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { effect(FXBORN_DRIP);
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].species = DRIP;
- creature[i].type = rand() % 4;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 1;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- if (level)
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(DRIPSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- else creature[i].speed = BONUSDRIPSPEED;
- change(x, y, FIRSTDRIP + creature[which].type);
- break;
- } } } }
- /* create penguins */
- if
- (( ( level && !(rand() % freq))
- || ((!level) && leveltype == PENGUIN && (!(rand() % FREQ_PENGUIN)))
- ) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY)
- )
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (!(creature[i].alive))
- { effect(FXBORN_PENGUIN);
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- if (level)
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(PENGUINSPEED - (level / 2), 2);
- else creature[i].speed = BONUSPENGUINSPEED;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- creature[i].species = PENGUIN;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- change(x, y, PENGUIN);
- break;
- } }
- /* create clouds */
- if (level && (!(rand() % freq)))
- { x = (rand() % (FIELDX - 1)) + 1;
- y = (rand() % (FIELDY - 1)) + 1;
- /* If you create clouds at an extreme horizontal position
- (0 or FIELDX), will cause a crash because the deltas will be
- wrong. */
- thissy = field[x][y];
- if (thissy >= FIRSTEMPTY && thissy <= LASTEMPTY)
- { for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (!creature[i].alive)
- { creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].species = CLOUD;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- if (x < FIELDX / 2)
- creature[i].deltax = 1;
- else creature[i].deltax = -1;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(CLOUDSPEED - (level / 2), 3);
- change(x, y, CLOUD);
- break;
- } } } }
- /* create objects */
- for (which = 0; which <= LASTOBJECT; which++)
- if (level || leveltype != TREASURE || which == TREASURE)
- { if (!(rand() % object[which].freq) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY))
- change(x, y, which);
- } elif (!(rand() % (object[which].freq / 10)) && findempty(&x, &y, FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY))
- change(x, y, which);
- /* create teleports */
- if (!(rand() % FREQ_TELEPORT)
- && !teleport[level][2].alive
- && findempty(&(teleport[level][2].x), &(teleport[level][2].y), FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY)
- && findempty(&(teleport[level][3].x), &(teleport[level][3].y), FIRSTEMPTY, LASTEMPTY)
- && (teleport[level][2].x != teleport[level][3].x || teleport[level][2].y != teleport[level][3].y))
- { teleport[level][2].alive = TRUE;
- teleport[level][3].alive = TRUE;
- change(teleport[level][2].x, teleport[level][2].y, TELEPORT);
- change(teleport[level][3].x, teleport[level][3].y, TELEPORT);
- } }
- }
- MODULE SBYTE speedup(SBYTE speed, ABOOL nitro)
- { speed /= 2;
- if (speed < FAST)
- speed = FAST;
- return(speed);
- }
- MODULE ULONG squareblast(SBYTE type, SBYTE player, SBYTE thissy, SBYTE x, SBYTE y, ABOOL cutter)
- { SBYTE which;
- ULONG score = 0;
- SBYTE filler;
- if (type == HEAD && worm[player].bias)
- filler = SILVER;
- else filler = EMPTY;
- if (thissy <= LASTOBJECT)
- { if (!cutter)
- change(x, y, filler);
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTTAIL && thissy <= LASTTAIL)
- change(x, y, filler);
- elif (thissy == ORB)
- { which = whichcreature(x, y, ORB, 255);
- if (creature[which].mode != ARMOUR)
- { effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- creature[which].alive = FALSE;
- score = creature[which].score;
- if (type == HEAD && worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- } else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTDRIP && thissy <= LASTDRIP)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, DRIP, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, filler);
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTHEAD && thissy <= LASTHEAD)
- { if (type != HEAD || player != thissy - FIRSTHEAD)
- if (worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].cause = BOMB;
- worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].alive = FALSE;
- stat(thissy - FIRSTHEAD, LIFE);
- if (type == HEAD)
- worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].victor = player;
- else
- { worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].victor = -1;
- score = KILLWORM; // worms will get this bonus from death(), so it is not given for them here.
- } }
- else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTMISSILE && thissy <= LASTMISSILE)
- { if (type != HEAD || player != thissy - FIRSTMISSILE)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, MISSILE, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, filler);
- } }
- elif (thissy == PENGUIN)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, PENGUIN, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, filler);
- } elif (thissy == FRAGMENT)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, FRAGMENT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, filler);
- } elif (thissy == GOAT)
- { creature[whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- return(score);
- }
- void timeloop(void)
- { TEXT timedisplay[5] = {"#:##"};
- PERSIST ABOOL outoftime = FALSE;
- UBYTE i;
- secondsleft = atleast(secondsleft, 0);
- timedisplay[0] = 48 + (secondsleft / 60);
- timedisplay[2] = 48 + ((secondsleft % 60) / 10);
- timedisplay[3] = 48 + ((secondsleft % 60) % 10);
- if (!level)
- { say(timedisplay, worm[treasurer].colour);
- if (!secondsleft)
- { level = reallevel + 1;
- secondsleft = SECONDSPERLEVEL;
- newlevel(treasurer);
- } }
- elif (!secondsleft)
- { if (!outoftime)
- { effect(FXSIREN);
- say("Out of time!", WHITE);
- outoftime = TRUE;
- freq /= 2;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive)
- creature[i].speed = speedup(creature[i].speed, TRUE);
- } }
- else
- { outoftime = FALSE;
- say(timedisplay, WHITE);
- } }
- void train(SCANCODE scancode)
- { SBYTE i, x, y;
- switch(scancode)
- {
- case HELP:
- trainer = !trainer;
- break;
- /* Complete the level. */
- if (trainer)
- { trainer = FALSE;
- if (worm[1].lives > 0)
- for (i = 0; i <= LETTERS; i++)
- { letters[1][i] = TRUE;
- drawletter(1, FIRSTLETTER + i, NORMAL);
- } }
- break;
- /* field[][] dump, for debugging purposes. */
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- draw(x, y, field[x][y]);
- anykey(FALSE);
- break;
- if (trainer)
- { trainer = FALSE;
- say("Bianca is the best!", PURPLE);
- anykey(FALSE);
- if (worm[1].lives > 0)
- { worm[1].lives = LIVESLIMIT;
- stat(1, LIFE);
- worm[1].tongue = MODELIMIT;
- worm[1].mode = TONGUE;
- stat(1, TONGUE);
- worm[1].bias = BIASLIMIT;
- stat(1, BIAS);
- worm[1].ammo = AMMOLIMIT;
- stat(1, AMMO);
- worm[1].power = POWERLIMIT;
- stat(1, POWER);
- worm[1].nitro = TRUE;
- stat(1, NITRO);
- worm[1].affixer = TRUE;
- icon(1, AFFIXER);
- worm[1].remnants = TRUE;
- icon(1, REMNANTS);
- worm[1].sideshot = TRUE;
- icon(1, SIDESHOT);
- worm[1].pusher = TRUE;
- icon(1, PUSHER);
- worm[1].cutter = 100;
- icon(1, CUTTER);
- trainer = FALSE;
- } }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- MODULE void turnworm(SBYTE player, SBYTE deltax, SBYTE deltay)
- {
- if (worm[player].nitro || !deltax || !deltay)
- { if (worm[player].deltax == deltax && worm[player].deltay == deltay)
- { worm[player].speed = speedup(worm[player].speed, worm[player].nitro);
- stat(player, NITRO);
- } elif (worm[player].deltax == -deltax && worm[player].deltay == -deltay)
- { worm[player].speed = slowdown(worm[player].speed, worm[player].nitro);
- stat(player, NITRO);
- } else
- { worm[player].deltax = deltax;
- worm[player].deltay = deltay;
- } }
- }
- void updatesquare(SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { SBYTE which;
- if (startx[level] == x && starty[level] == y)
- draw(x, y, START);
- elif (board[level][x][y] == TELEPORT)
- { for (which = 0; which <= 1; which++)
- if (teleport[level][which].alive && teleport[level][which].x == x && teleport[level][which].y == y)
- draw(x, y, ONE + which);
- } else draw(x, y, board[level][x][y]);
- }
- SBYTE valid(SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { if (x >= 0 && x <= FIELDX && y >= 0 && y <= FIELDY)
- return(TRUE);
- else
- return(FALSE);
- }
- MODULE UBYTE whichcreature(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE species, UBYTE exception)
- { UBYTE i;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if
- ( creature[i].alive
- && creature[i].x == x
- && creature[i].y == y
- && creature[i].species == species
- && i != exception
- )
- return i;
- return 255; /* error code
- */
- }
- MODULE SBYTE whichteleport(SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { SBYTE which;
- for (which = 0; which <= 3; which++)
- if (teleport[level][which].alive && teleport[level][which].x == x && teleport[level][which].y == y)
- return((SBYTE) which);
- return((SBYTE) -1); /* error code */
- }
- MODULE void wormbullet(SBYTE player)
- { ABOOL finished,
- flag = FALSE,
- ok = FALSE,
- lettered = FALSE;
- LONG score;
- SBYTE distance,
- thissy,
- i, j,
- x, y;
- if (!worm[player].ammo)
- { stat(player, BONUS);
- if (worm[player].speed == FAST)
- distance = FASTDISTANCE;
- elif (worm[player].speed == NORMAL)
- distance = NORMALDISTANCE;
- elif (worm[player].speed == SLOW)
- distance = SLOWDISTANCE;
- else
- { // assert(worm[player].speed == VERYSLOW);
- }
- /* check for metal */
- for (i = 1; i < distance; i++)
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + (i * worm[player].deltax));
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + (i * worm[player].deltay));
- if (field[x][y] == METAL)
- flag = TRUE;
- }
- if (!flag)
- { // assert(abs(worm[player].deltax) <= 1 && abs(worm[player].deltay) <= 1);
- x = xwrap(worm[player].x + (worm[player].deltax * distance));
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + (worm[player].deltay * distance));
- thissy = field[x][y];
- if (thissy == TELEPORT)
- { i = whichteleport(x, y);
- if (!blocked(i, worm[player].deltax, worm[player].deltay))
- ok = TRUE;
- }
- if (ok || ((thissy < STONE || thissy > GOAT) && thissy != METAL))
- { effect(FXDO_JUMP);
- worm[player].deltax *= distance;
- worm[player].deltay *= distance;
- } } }
- else
- { effect(FXUSE_AMMO);
- worm[player].ammo--;
- stat(player, AMMO);
- if (worm[player].bias)
- createmissile(player, worm[player].x, worm[player].y);
- if (worm[player].sideshot)
- { bullet[7].alive = bullet[8].alive = TRUE;
- bullet[7].teleported = bullet[8].teleported = 0;
- bullet[7].visible = bullet[8].visible = TRUE;
- bullet[7].reflected = bullet[8].reflected = FALSE;
- bullet[7].x = bullet[8].x = worm[player].x;
- bullet[7].y = bullet[8].y = worm[player].y;
- if (!worm[player].deltax && worm[player].deltay)
- { bullet[7].deltax = -1;
- bullet[8].deltax = 1;
- bullet[7].deltay = bullet[8].deltay = 0;
- } elif (worm[player].deltax && !worm[player].deltay)
- { bullet[7].deltax = bullet[8].deltax = 0;
- bullet[7].deltay = -1;
- bullet[8].deltay = 1;
- } else /* worm is diagonal */
- { if (worm[player].deltax == worm[player].deltay)
- { bullet[7].deltax = 1;
- bullet[7].deltay = -1;
- } else
- { bullet[7].deltax = -1;
- bullet[7].deltay = -1;
- }
- bullet[8].deltax = -bullet[7].deltax;
- bullet[8].deltay = -bullet[7].deltay;
- } }
- for (i = 0; i <= worm[player].power; i++)
- { bullet[i].alive = TRUE;
- bullet[i].teleported = 0;
- bullet[i].visible = TRUE;
- bullet[i].reflected = FALSE;
- bullet[i].deltax = worm[player].deltax;
- bullet[i].deltay = worm[player].deltay;
- if (i % 2 == 0)
- distance = i / 2;
- else distance = -((i + 1) / 2);
- if (worm[player].deltax == 0)
- { bullet[i].x = worm[player].x + distance;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y;
- } elif (worm[player].deltay == 0)
- { bullet[i].x = worm[player].x;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y + distance;
- } else
- { switch (i)
- {
- case 0:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay;
- break;
- case 1:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y;
- break;
- case 2:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay;
- break;
- case 3:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax * 2;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y;
- break;
- case 4:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay * 2;
- break;
- case 5:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax * 2;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y - worm[player].deltay;
- break;
- case 6:
- bullet[i].x = worm[player].x - worm[player].deltax;
- bullet[i].y = worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay * 2;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } } }
- /* Bullets are now set up. */
- score = 0;
- finished = FALSE;
- while (!finished)
- { finished = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
- { if (bullet[i].alive)
- { finished = FALSE;
- if (bullet[i].reflected)
- { bullet[i].x -= bullet[i].deltax;
- bullet[i].y -= bullet[i].deltay;
- } else
- { bullet[i].x += bullet[i].deltax;
- bullet[i].y += bullet[i].deltay;
- }
- x = bullet[i].x;
- y = bullet[i].y;
- thissy = field[x][y];
- if (!(valid(x, y)))
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- elif (x == worm[player].x && y == worm[player].y)
- { /* hit by own bullet */
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[player].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[player].cause = FIRSTFIRE + player;
- worm[player].victor = -1;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- elif (thissy >= FIRSTHEAD && thissy <= LASTHEAD)
- { if (worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].cause = FIRSTFIRE + player;
- worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].victor = player;
- worm[thissy - FIRSTHEAD].alive = FALSE;
- if (player != thissy - FIRSTHEAD)
- score += KILLWORM + HITSHOT;
- } else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTPROTECTOR && thissy <= LASTPROTECTOR)
- { if (player != thissy - FIRSTPROTECTOR)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- } else bullet[i].visible = FALSE;
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTMISSILE && thissy <= LASTMISSILE)
- { if (player != thissy - FIRSTMISSILE)
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, MISSILE, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- else bullet[i].visible = FALSE;
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTDRIP && thissy <= LASTDRIP)
- { j = whichcreature(x, y, DRIP, 255);
- creature[j].alive = FALSE;
- } elif (thissy >= FIRSTLETTER && thissy <= LASTLETTER)
- { wormletter(player, thissy);
- lettered = TRUE;
- } else
- { switch(thissy)
- {
- case METAL:
- if (bullet[i].reflected)
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- else
- { bullet[i].reflected = TRUE;
- bullet[i].x -= bullet[i].deltax * 2;
- bullet[i].y -= bullet[i].deltay * 2;
- }
- break;
- case STONE:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case ORB:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- j = whichcreature(x, y, ORB, 255);
- if (creature[j].mode != ARMOUR)
- { creature[j].explode = TRUE;
- score += creature[j].score + HITSHOT;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- } else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- break;
- case TELEPORT:
- j = whichteleport(bullet[i].x, bullet[i].y);
- if (bullet[i].teleported == 2)
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- else
- { effect(FXUSE_TELEPORT);
- bullet[i].visible = FALSE;
- bullet[i].teleported++;
- bullet[i].x = teleport[level][partner(j)].x;
- bullet[i].y = teleport[level][partner(j)].y;
- score += TELPOINT;
- }
- break;
- case WOOD:
- if (!worm[player].bias)
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case GOAT:
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- score += KILLGOAT + HITSHOT;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += GOATBLOOD;
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case SKULL:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case FRAGMENT:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, FRAGMENT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- break;
- case PENGUIN:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, PENGUIN, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += PENGUINBLOOD;
- break;
- case DOG:
- bullet[i].alive = FALSE;
- break;
- case CLOUD:
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, CLOUD, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- break;
- case TIMEBOMB:
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, TIMEBOMB, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- bombblast(BOMB, 0, x, y);
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- // x and y need this refreshing here
- x = bullet[i].x;
- y = bullet[i].y;
- if (bullet[i].alive && bullet[i].visible)
- { draw(x, y, FIRSTFIRE + player);
- if (worm[player].remnants)
- field[x][y] = FIRSTFIRE + player;
- elif (bullet[i].teleported)
- change(x, y, GOLD);
- else change(x, y, EMPTY);
- } } } }
- if (lettered)
- putletter(player);
- wormscore(player, score);
- if (worm[player].bias)
- stat(player, LIFE);
- clearkybd();
- } }
- MODULE void wormletter(SBYTE player, SBYTE c)
- { switch(c)
- {
- case GREEN_C:
- effect(FX_C);
- break;
- case RED_O:
- effect(FX_O);
- break;
- case BLUE_M:
- effect(FX_M);
- break;
- case YELLOW_P:
- effect(FX_P);
- break;
- case GREEN_L:
- effect(FX_L);
- break;
- case BLUE_T:
- effect(FX_T);
- break;
- default:
- // assert(c == RED_E || c == YELLOW_E);
- effect(FX_E);
- break;
- }
- letters[player][c - FIRSTLETTER] = TRUE;
- drawletter(player, c, NORMAL);
- wormscore(player, LETTERPOINT);
- }
- /* NAME wormloop -- controls worms and protectors
- SYNOPSIS wormloop(SBYTE);
- FUNCTION Amiga-worm thinking, processing one keystroke from the
- worm's queue, all the worm's protectors' control, the
- worm's control.
- MODULE engine.c */
- MODULE void wormloop(SBYTE player)
- { AUTO ABOOL enclosed = FALSE, ok;
- AUTO SBYTE bestx, besty, c, d, dirx, diry, i, k,
- thisprot, x, y, leftx, rightx, topy,
- bottomy;
- AUTO SWORD bestgood, good;
- AUTO UBYTE interior;
- AUTO ULONG score = 0;
- PERSIST struct
- { SBYTE deltax[4], deltay[4];
- } deltas[4] =
- { { { 0, -1, 0, 1}, // northwest
- {-1, 0, 1, 0}
- },
- { { 0, 1, 0, -1}, // northeast
- {-1, 0, 1, 0}
- },
- { { 0, 1, 0, -1}, // southeast
- { 1, 0, -1, 0}
- },
- { { 0, -1, 0, 1}, // southwest
- { 1, 0, -1, 0}
- } };
- PERSIST struct
- { SBYTE leftx, rightx, topy, bottomy;
- } enclose[4] =
- { {-127, -1, -127, -1 }, // northwest
- { 1, 127, -127, -1 }, // northeast
- { 1, 127, 1, 127 }, // southeast
- {-127, -1, 1, 127 } // southwest
- };
- /* Amiga worm control
- Remove a keystroke from the worm queue
- Move worm (and add a keystroke to the dog queue)
- Check for enclosure
- Move protectors
- Collision detection */
- /* AI: Amiga worm control, enhanced for 6.0.
- Worm checks ahead, left and right one square. Assigns opinions
- to those three choices and then takes the appropriate one. */
- if (worm[player].control == AMIGA)
- { if (!(rand() % 50))
- wormqueue(player, (rand() % 3) - 1, (rand() % 3) - 1);
- else
- { bestgood = -128;
- for (i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
- { switch(i)
- {
- case 0:
- dirx = worm[player].deltax;
- diry = worm[player].deltay;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (worm[player].deltax == 0) /* if going north or south */
- { dirx = -1; /* then look west */
- diry = 0;
- } else /* if going east or west */
- { dirx = 0; /* then look north */
- diry = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- if (worm[player].deltax == 0) /* if going north or south */
- { dirx = 1; /* then look east */
- diry = 0;
- } else /* if going east or west */
- { dirx = 0; /* then look south */
- diry = 1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- c = field[xwrap(worm[player].x + dirx)][ywrap(worm[player].y + diry)];
- if (c >= FIRSTLETTER && c <= LASTLETTER)
- elif (c >= FIRSTHEAD && c <= LASTHEAD)
- good = -55;
- elif (c <= LASTOBJECT)
- good = (SWORD) object[c].score;
- elif (c == FIRSTPROTECTOR + player)
- good = 6;
- elif (c == FIRSTFIRE && c <= LASTFIRE)
- { if (player == c - FIRSTFIRE)
- good = -1;
- else good = -70;
- } elif (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- { if (worm[player].mode == TONGUE && worm[player].tongue > 10)
- if (player != c - FIRSTTAIL)
- good = 10;
- else good = -10;
- elif (player == c - FIRSTTAIL)
- good = -30;
- else good = -60;
- } else switch(c)
- {
- case SKULL:
- good = 70;
- break;
- case GOLD:
- good = GOLDPOINT;
- break;
- case SILVER:
- break;
- case EMPTY:
- good = EMPTYPOINT;
- break;
- case SLIME:
- if (worm[player].mode == ARMOUR)
- good = -2;
- else good = -75;
- break;
- case WOOD:
- if (worm[player].mode == ARMOUR)
- good = -2;
- else good = -70;
- break;
- case STONE:
- good = -85;
- break;
- case METAL:
- good = -90;
- break;
- case GOAT:
- good = -95;
- break;
- good = -100;
- break;
- case ORB:
- good = -45;
- break;
- case CLOUD:
- good = -40;
- break;
- default:
- good = -50;
- break;
- }
- if (good > bestgood)
- { bestx = dirx;
- besty = diry;
- bestgood = good;
- } }
- if (bestgood <= -80)
- { // turn to the right
- if (worm[player].deltax == 0) /* if going north or south */
- { bestx = 1; /* then turn east */
- besty = 0;
- } else /* if going east or west */
- { bestx = 0; /* then turn south */
- besty = 1;
- } }
- if (bestgood <= -60 && (!(rand() % 5)))
- wormqueue(player, 0, 0);
- elif (bestgood < 0 && (!(rand() % 2)))
- wormqueue(player, 0, 0);
- elif (bestx != worm[player].deltax || besty != worm[player].deltay)
- wormqueue(player, bestx, besty);
- } }
- /* remove a keystroke from the worm queue */
- if (worm[player].pos != -1)
- { if (thewormqueue[player][0].deltax == 0 && thewormqueue[player][0].deltay == 0)
- wormbullet(player);
- else turnworm(player, thewormqueue[player][0].deltax, thewormqueue[player][0].deltay);
- if (--worm[player].pos != -1)
- for (i = 0; i <= worm[player].pos; i++)
- { thewormqueue[player][i].deltax = thewormqueue[player][i + 1].deltax;
- thewormqueue[player][i].deltay = thewormqueue[player][i + 1].deltay;
- } }
- /* move worm */
- change(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, worm[player].last);
- worm[player].x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- worm[player].y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- if (worm[player].freedom)
- worm[player].last = FIRSTFIRE + player;
- else worm[player].last = FIRSTTAIL + player;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- { if (creature[i].alive && creature[i].species == DOG && creature[i].dormant > DORMANT && creature[i].type == player)
- { if (!worm[player].rammed)
- dogqueue(i, worm[player].deltax, worm[player].deltay);
- if (creature[i].dormant < CHASING)
- { creature[i].dormant++;
- draw(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, DOGAWAKENING);
- } } }
- worm[player].rammed = FALSE;
- /* The deltas are not changed back to the range of -1..1 until after the
- dogs have looked at the queue. This enables them to jump properly. */
- worm[player].deltax = bsign(worm[player].deltax);
- worm[player].deltay = bsign(worm[player].deltay);
- /* check for enclosure
- #####
- #...#
- #...# . = interior
- #...# # = tail
- ####! ! = head */
- for (interior = 2; interior <= 7; interior++) // for each size of interior
- { for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) // four times, once for each direction
- { x = worm[player].x;
- y = worm[player].y;
- ok = TRUE;
- for (k = 0; k <= interior; k++)
- { x += deltas[i].deltax[0];
- y += deltas[i].deltay[0];
- if ((!valid(x, y)) || field[x][y] != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- { ok = FALSE;
- break;
- } }
- for (k = 0; k <= interior; k++)
- { x += deltas[i].deltax[1];
- y += deltas[i].deltay[1];
- if ((!valid(x, y)) || field[x][y] != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- { ok = FALSE;
- break;
- } }
- for (k = 0; k <= interior; k++)
- { x += deltas[i].deltax[2];
- y += deltas[i].deltay[2];
- if ((!valid(x, y)) || field[x][y] != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- { ok = FALSE;
- break;
- } }
- // now the last side
- for (k = 0; k <= interior - 1; k++)
- { x += deltas[i].deltax[3];
- y += deltas[i].deltay[3];
- if ((!valid(x, y)) || field[x][y] != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- { ok = FALSE;
- break;
- } }
- if (ok)
- { effect(FXDO_ENCLOSE);
- enclosed = TRUE;
- if (enclose[i].leftx < -1)
- enclose[i].leftx = -interior;
- elif (enclose[i].leftx > 1)
- enclose[i].leftx = interior + 1;
- if (enclose[i].rightx < -1)
- enclose[i].rightx = -(interior + 1);
- elif (enclose[i].rightx > 1)
- enclose[i].rightx = interior;
- if (enclose[i].topy < -1)
- enclose[i].topy = -interior;
- elif (enclose[i].topy > 1)
- enclose[i].topy = interior + 1;
- if (enclose[i].bottomy < -1)
- enclose[i].bottomy = -(interior + 1);
- elif (enclose[i].bottomy > 1)
- enclose[i].bottomy = interior;
- leftx = worm[player].x + enclose[i].leftx;
- rightx = worm[player].x + enclose[i].rightx;
- topy = worm[player].y + enclose[i].topy;
- bottomy = worm[player].y + enclose[i].bottomy;
- // assert(leftx >= 0 && rightx <= FIELDX && topy >= 0 && bottomy <= FIELDY && leftx < rightx && topy < bottomy);
- for (x = leftx; x <= rightx; x++)
- for (y = topy; y <= bottomy; y++)
- { d = field[x][y];
- if ((d >= FIRSTEMPTY && d <= LASTEMPTY) || (d >= FIRSTTAIL && d <= LASTTAIL))
- if (worm[player].bias)
- { change(x, y, GOLD);
- wormscore(player, ENCLOSUREPOINT + TURNTOGOLD);
- } elif (player != d - FIRSTTAIL)
- { change(x, y, FIRSTTAIL + player);
- wormscore(player, ENCLOSUREPOINT);
- } } } } }
- // move protectors
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- { if (protector[player][i].alive)
- { if (protector[player][i].visible)
- change(protector[player][i].x, protector[player][i].y, protector[player][i].last);
- else protector[player][i].visible = TRUE;
- protector[player][i].last = EMPTY;
- if (i == NOSE)
- { protector[player][i].relx = worm[player].deltax * NOSEDISTANCE;
- protector[player][i].rely = worm[player].deltay * NOSEDISTANCE;
- if (!worm[player].affixer)
- { if (worm[player].position == -1)
- worm[player].posidir = 1;
- elif (worm[player].position == 1)
- worm[player].posidir = -1;
- worm[player].position += worm[player].posidir;
- if (worm[player].deltax == 0)
- protector[player][i].relx = worm[player].position;
- elif (worm[player].deltay == 0)
- protector[player][i].rely = worm[player].position;
- elif (worm[player].position == -1)
- protector[player][i].relx = worm[player].deltax * (NOSEDISTANCE - 1);
- elif (worm[player].position == 1)
- protector[player][i].rely = worm[player].deltay * (NOSEDISTANCE - 1);
- } }
- elif (!worm[player].affixer)
- { if (protector[player][i].relx == 1 && protector[player][i].rely == -1)
- { protector[player][i].deltax = 0;
- protector[player][i].deltay = 1;
- } elif (protector[player][i].relx == 1 && protector[player][i].rely == 1)
- { protector[player][i].deltax = -1;
- protector[player][i].deltay = 0;
- } elif (protector[player][i].relx == -1 && protector[player][i].rely == 1)
- { protector[player][i].deltax = 0;
- protector[player][i].deltay = -1;
- } elif (protector[player][i].relx == -1 && protector[player][i].rely == -1)
- { protector[player][i].deltax = 1;
- protector[player][i].deltay = 0;
- }
- protector[player][i].relx += protector[player][i].deltax;
- protector[player][i].rely += protector[player][i].deltay;
- }
- protector[player][i].x = worm[player].x + protector[player][i].relx;
- protector[player][i].y = worm[player].y + protector[player][i].rely;
- if (!valid(protector[player][i].x, protector[player][i].y))
- protector[player][i].visible = FALSE;
- } }
- // head collision detection
- wormcol(player, worm[player].x, worm[player].y, enclosed);
- // draw head
- field[worm[player].x][worm[player].y] = FIRSTHEAD + player;
- drawhead(player, x, y);
- // protector collision detection
- for (thisprot = 0; thisprot <= PROTECTORS; thisprot++)
- if (protector[player][thisprot].alive && protector[player][thisprot].visible)
- { protcol(player, protector[player][thisprot].x, protector[player][thisprot].y, thisprot);
- // draw protector
- if (protector[player][thisprot].alive && protector[player][thisprot].visible) // in case protector has just been killed, etc.
- change(protector[player][thisprot].x, protector[player][thisprot].y, FIRSTPROTECTOR + player);
- }
- if (worm[player].cutter)
- { // straight ahead
- x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- score += squareblast(HEAD, player, field[x][y], x, y, TRUE);
- // left
- if (!worm[player].deltax || !worm[player].deltay)
- { // if orthagonal
- x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltay);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltax);
- } else // diagonal
- { if (worm[player].deltax == worm[player].deltay)
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltay);
- } else
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- score += squareblast(HEAD, player, field[x][y], x, y, TRUE);
- // right
- if (!worm[player].deltax || !worm[player].deltay)
- { // if orthagonal
- x = xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltay);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltax);
- } else // diagonal
- { if (worm[player].deltax == worm[player].deltay)
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } else
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- score += squareblast(HEAD, player, field[x][y], x, y, TRUE);
- // ahead left
- if (!worm[player].deltax || !worm[player].deltay)
- { // if orthagonal
- if (worm[player].deltax) // if east or west
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltax);
- } else // north or south
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltay);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- else // diagonal
- { if (worm[player].deltax == worm[player].deltay)
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = worm[player].y;
- } else
- { x = worm[player].x;
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- score += squareblast(HEAD, player, field[x][y], x, y, TRUE);
- // ahead right
- if (!worm[player].deltax || !worm[player].deltay)
- { // if orthagonal
- if (worm[player].deltax) // if east or west
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);;
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltax);
- } else // north or south
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltay);
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- else // diagonal
- { if (worm[player].deltax == worm[player].deltay)
- { x = worm[player].x;
- y = ywrap(worm[player].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } else
- { x = xwrap(worm[player].x + worm[player].deltax);
- y = worm[player].y;
- } }
- score += squareblast(HEAD, player, field[x][y], x, y, TRUE);
- wormscore(player, score);
- }
- }
- MODULE void protcol(SBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y, SBYTE thisprot)
- { UBYTE c = field[x][y];
- SBYTE i;
- ULONG score = 0;
- if (c >= FIRSTHEAD && c <= LASTHEAD)
- protworm(x, y, player, c - FIRSTHEAD);
- elif (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- { if (player == c - FIRSTTAIL || worm[player].mode == TONGUE)
- protector[player][thisprot].visible = FALSE;
- protprot(x, y, player, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR);
- elif (c == STONE || c == WOOD || c == METAL || c == TIMEBOMB || c == TELEPORT)
- protector[player][thisprot].visible = FALSE;
- elif (c >= FIRSTMISSILE && c <= LASTMISSILE)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, MISSILE, 255);
- protmissile(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == WHIRLWIND)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, WHIRLWIND, 255);
- protwhirlwind(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == DOG)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DOG, 255);
- protdog(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTDRIP && c <= LASTDRIP)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DRIP, 255);
- protdrip(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == PENGUIN)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, PENGUIN, 255);
- protpenguin(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == ORB)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, ORB, 255);
- protorb(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == FRAGMENT)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, FRAGMENT, 255);
- protfrag(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == CLOUD)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, CLOUD, 255);
- cloudprot(x, y, i, player);
- } elif (c == FIRSTFIRE + player)
- protector[player][thisprot].visible = FALSE;
- elif (c == GOAT)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- effect(FXDEATH_GOAT);
- creature[whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- protector[player][thisprot].last = BONUS;
- score += KILLGOAT;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- { worm[player].lives += GOATBLOOD;
- stat(player, LIFE);
- } }
- else bothcol(player, x, y);
- wormscore(player, score);
- }
- MODULE void bothcol(SBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { UBYTE c = field[x][y];
- SBYTE i, j;
- ULONG score = 0;
- if (c >= FIRSTLETTER && c <= LASTLETTER)
- { wormletter(player, c);
- putletter(player);
- } elif (c <= LASTOBJECT)
- { score += wormobject(player, x, y);
- } else
- { switch(c)
- {
- case EMPTY:
- score += EMPTYPOINT;
- break;
- case SILVER:
- score += SILVERPOINT;
- break;
- case GOLD:
- score += GOLDPOINT;
- break;
- case SKULL:
- effect(FXGET_SKULL);
- score += SKULLPOINT;
- j = -1; // for safety
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- { if (!worm[i].lives && x == worm[i].x && y == worm[i].y && worm[i].control != NONE)
- j = i;
- }
- if (j != -1)
- { worm[player].bias += worm[j].bias;
- if (worm[player].bias > 0)
- { if (worm[player].armour > BIASLIMIT)
- worm[player].armour = BIASLIMIT;
- stat(player, BIAS);
- worm[j].bias = 0;
- stat(j, BIAS);
- }
- worm[player].multi *= worm[j].multi;
- if (worm[player].multi > 1)
- { if (worm[player].multi > MULTILIMIT)
- worm[player].multi = MULTILIMIT;
- }
- worm[player].power += worm[j].power;
- if (worm[player].power > 1)
- { if (worm[player].power > POWERLIMIT)
- worm[player].power = POWERLIMIT;
- stat(player, POWER);
- worm[j].power = 0;
- stat(j, POWER);
- }
- worm[player].ammo += worm[j].ammo;
- if (worm[player].ammo > 0)
- { if (worm[player].ammo > AMMOLIMIT)
- worm[player].ammo = AMMOLIMIT;
- stat(player, AMMO);
- worm[j].ammo = 0;
- stat(j, AMMO);
- }
- worm[player].armour += worm[j].armour;
- if (worm[player].armour > 0)
- { if (worm[player].armour > MODELIMIT)
- worm[player].armour = MODELIMIT;
- stat(player, ARMOUR);
- worm[j].armour = 0;
- stat(j, ARMOUR);
- }
- worm[player].tongue += worm[j].tongue;
- if (worm[player].tongue > 0)
- { if (worm[player].armour > MODELIMIT)
- worm[player].armour = MODELIMIT;
- stat(player, TONGUE);
- worm[j].tongue = 0;
- stat(j, TONGUE);
- }
- if (worm[player].armour > 0 || worm[player].tongue > 0)
- { if (worm[player].armour >= worm[player].tongue)
- worm[player].mode = ARMOUR;
- else worm[player].mode = TONGUE;
- }
- if (worm[j].nitro)
- { worm[player].nitro = TRUE;
- stat(player, NITRO);
- worm[j].nitro = FALSE;
- worm[j].speed = NORMAL;
- stat(j, NITRO);
- }
- if (worm[j].affixer)
- { worm[player].affixer = TRUE;
- icon(player, AFFIXER);
- worm[j].affixer = FALSE;
- icon(j, AFFIXER);
- }
- if (worm[j].remnants)
- { worm[player].remnants = TRUE;
- icon(player, REMNANTS);
- worm[j].remnants = FALSE;
- icon(j, REMNANTS);
- }
- if (worm[j].sideshot)
- { worm[player].sideshot = TRUE;
- icon(player, SIDESHOT);
- worm[j].sideshot = FALSE;
- icon(j, SIDESHOT);
- }
- if (worm[j].pusher)
- { worm[player].pusher = TRUE;
- icon(player, PUSHER);
- worm[j].pusher = FALSE;
- icon(j, PUSHER);
- }
- if (worm[j].cutter)
- { worm[player].cutter += worm[j].cutter;
- icon(player, CUTTER);
- worm[j].cutter = 0;
- icon(j, CUTTER);
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= LETTERS; i++)
- if (letters[j][i])
- { drawletter(j, FIRSTLETTER + i, BLACK);
- if (!letters[player][i])
- { letters[player][i] = TRUE;
- drawletter(player, FIRSTLETTER + i, NORMAL);
- } }
- } else ; // assert(0);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- wormscore(player, score);
- }
- void wormscore(SBYTE player, LONG score)
- { worm[player].score += score * worm[player].multi * players;
- stat(player, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE SWORD wsign(SWORD value)
- { if (value < 0)
- return (-1);
- elif (value > 0)
- return (1);
- else
- return (0);
- }
- SBYTE xwrap(SBYTE x)
- { if (x < 0)
- x += FIELDX + 1;
- elif (x > FIELDX)
- x -= FIELDX + 1;
- return(x);
- }
- SBYTE ywrap(SBYTE y)
- { if (y < 0)
- y += FIELDY + 1;
- elif (y > FIELDY)
- y -= FIELDY + 1;
- return(y);
- }
- MODULE void ramming(SBYTE player)
- { SBYTE i;
- worm[player].rammed = TRUE;
- worm[player].x = xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltax);
- worm[player].y = ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltay);
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- { /* no point checking whether the protectors are alive or dead */
- protector[player][i].x -= worm[player].deltax;
- protector[player][i].y -= worm[player].deltay;
- } }
- MODULE SWORD atleast(SWORD value, SWORD minimum)
- { if (value < minimum)
- return(minimum);
- else return(value);
- }
- MODULE void orbscore(SBYTE which, ULONG score)
- { creature[which].score += score * creature[which].multi;
- }
- MODULE void __inline change(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE image)
- { // assert(valid(x, y));
- field[x][y] = image;
- draw(x, y, image);
- }
- MODULE void createmissile(UBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { UBYTE i;
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (!creature[i].alive)
- { effect(FXBORN_MISSILE);
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- creature[i].x = x;
- creature[i].y = y;
- creature[i].species = MISSILE;
- creature[i].type = player;
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].visible = FALSE;
- if (level)
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(MISSILESPEED - (level / 2), 1);
- else creature[i].speed = BONUSMISSILESPEED;
- break;
- } }
- /* WormWars FSET format for fieldset contents and high score table (Amiga
- and IBM-PC), as follows:
- header
- TEXT[] "FSET x.x" (NULL-terminated)
- SBYTE levels;
- high score table
- for (slot = 0; slot <= HISCORES; slot++)
- { SBYTE hiscore[slot].player,
- hiscore[slot].level;
- SLONG hiscore[slot].score;
- TEXT[] hiscore[slot].name (NULL-terminated)
- TEXT[] hiscore[slot].time (NULL-terminated)
- TEXT[] hiscore[slot].date (NULL-terminated)
- }
- level data
- for (level = 0; level <= levels; level++)
- { SBYTE startx[level],
- starty[level];
- ABOOL teleport[level][0].alive;
- SBYTE teleport[level][0].x,
- teleport[level][0].y;
- ABOOL teleport[level][1].alive;
- SBYTE teleport[level][1].x,
- teleport[level][1].y;
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- SBYTE board[level][x][y];
- }
- version string
- TEXT[] "$VER: Worm Wars x.x (dd.mm.yy) $" (NULL-terminated) */
- MODULE SBYTE onlyworm(ABOOL alive)
- { UBYTE i, theworm, worms = 0;
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- if (worm[i].control != NONE && ((!alive) || worm[i].lives))
- { theworm = i;
- worms++;
- }
- if (worms == 1)
- return (SBYTE) theworm;
- else return -1;
- }
- /* cloud, prot, worm, dog, drip, frag, missile, orb, penguin, whirlwind
- Whichever is earlier in that list comes earlier in the function name. For
- example, frag-orb and orb-frag collisions both use fragorb(): there is no
- such routine as orbfrag(). Also, there are no such routines as dripdrip()
- and penguinpenguin(). */
- MODULE void dogdog(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, LIFE);
- }
- MODULE void dogdrip(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void dogfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE void dogmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE void dogorb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void dogpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void dogwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void dripfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE void dripmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { /* drip lives, missile dies */
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void driporb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- if (creature[which2].mode != ARMOUR)
- { creature[which2].explode = TRUE;
- draw(x, y, EMPTY);
- } }
- MODULE void drippenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void dripwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void fragfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- draw(x, y, EMPTY);
- }
- MODULE void fragmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- }
- MODULE void fragorb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- if (creature[which2].mode != ARMOUR)
- { creature[which2].explode = TRUE;
- draw(x, y, EMPTY);
- } else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- }
- MODULE void fragpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void fragwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void missilemissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE void missilepenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void missilewhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void orborb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- }
- MODULE void orbmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (creature[which1].mode != ARMOUR)
- { effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- wormscore(creature[which2].type, creature[which1].score);
- if (worm[creature[which2].type].bias)
- { worm[creature[which2].type].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- stat(creature[which2].type, LIFE);
- } }
- else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- }
- MODULE void orbpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (creature[which1].mode == ARMOUR)
- orbscore(which1, KILLPENGUIN);
- else
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, BONUS);
- } }
- MODULE void orbwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void penguinwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void whirlwindwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, LIFE);
- }
- MODULE void wormdog(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (creature[which2].dormant == DORMANT)
- { effect(FXBORN_DOG);
- creature[which2].dormant = AWAKENING;
- creature[which2].type = which1;
- worm[which1].last = DOG;
- } else
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].cause = DOG;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- } } }
- MODULE void wormdrip(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (which1 == creature[which2].type)
- { effect(FXGET_DRIP);
- wormscore(which1, DRIPBONUS);
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += DRIPBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- else
- { worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].cause = FIRSTDRIP + creature[which2].type;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- } }
- MODULE void wormfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (worm[which1].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[which1].cause = FRAGMENT;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- } else
- { effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- reflect(which2);
- } }
- MODULE void wormmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (creature[which2].type == which1)
- creature[which2].visible = FALSE;
- else
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[which1].cause = FIRSTMISSILE + creature[which2].type;
- worm[which1].victor = creature[which2].type;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- } else effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- } }
- MODULE void wormorb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (worm[which1].mode == ARMOUR)
- { effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- wormscore(which1, creature[which2].score);
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- else
- { if (creature[which2].mode == ARMOUR)
- { effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- orbscore(which2, KILLWORM);
- } else creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].cause = ORB;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- MODULE void wormpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { effect(FXDEATH_PENGUIN);
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].armour)
- { wormscore(which1, KILLPENGUIN);
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += PENGUINBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- else
- { worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].cause = PENGUIN;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- } }
- MODULE void wormwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { worm[which1].cause = WHIRLWIND;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void wormworm(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (worm[which1].mode != TONGUE && worm[which2].mode != TONGUE)
- { /* both worms die */
- worm[which1].cause = FIRSTHEAD + which2;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].victor = -1;
- worm[which2].cause = FIRSTHEAD + which1;
- worm[which2].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which2].victor = -1;
- } elif (worm[which1].mode == TONGUE && worm[which2].mode != TONGUE)
- { /* 1st worm lives, 2nd worm dies */
- worm[which2].cause = FIRSTHEAD + which1;
- worm[which2].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which2].victor = which1;
- } elif (worm[which1].mode != TONGUE && worm[which2].mode == TONGUE)
- { /* 1st worm dies, 2nd worm lives */
- worm[which1].cause = FIRSTHEAD + which2;
- worm[which1].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which1].victor = which2;
- } }
- MODULE void protdog(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void protdrip(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (which1 == creature[which2].type)
- { effect(FXGET_DRIP);
- wormscore(which1, DRIPBONUS);
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += DRIPBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- else effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- }
- MODULE void protfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- reflect(which2);
- }
- MODULE void protmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { if (which1 != creature[which2].type)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- } else creature[which2].visible = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void protorb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- wormscore(which1, creature[which2].score);
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- MODULE void protpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- wormscore(which1, KILLPENGUIN);
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which1].bias)
- { worm[which1].lives += PENGUINBLOOD;
- stat(which1, LIFE);
- } }
- MODULE void protwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { UBYTE i;
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- if (protector[which1][i].alive && protector[which1][i].x == x && protector[which1][i].y == y)
- protector[which1][i].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void protworm(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { UBYTE i, j;
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- if (protector[which1][i].alive && protector[which1][i].x == x && protector[which1][i].y == y)
- { j = i;
- break;
- }
- if (which1 != which2)
- { if (worm[which2].mode != ARMOUR)
- { effect(FXUSE_PROTECTOR);
- worm[which2].cause = FIRSTPROTECTOR + which1;
- worm[which2].victor = which1;
- worm[which2].alive = FALSE;
- } else
- { effect(FXUSE_ARMOUR);
- protector[which1][j].visible = FALSE;
- } }
- else
- { /* protector is over worm's own head; caused by ramming */
- protector[which1][j].visible = FALSE;
- } }
- MODULE void protprot(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { UBYTE i, p1, p2;
- /* Find both protectors */
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- { if (protector[which1][i].alive && protector[which1][i].x == x && protector[which1][i].y == y)
- p1 = i;
- if (protector[which2][i].alive && protector[which2][i].x == x && protector[which2][i].y == y)
- p2 = i;
- }
- protector[which1][p1].alive = FALSE;
- protector[which2][p2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- }
- MODULE void cloudcloud(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- change(x, y, LIGHTNING);
- }
- MODULE void clouddog(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void clouddrip(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudfrag(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudmissile(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudorb(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudpenguin(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which2].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudprot(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudwhirlwind(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- }
- MODULE void cloudworm(SBYTE x, SBYTE y, UBYTE which1, UBYTE which2)
- { creature[which1].alive = FALSE;
- if (worm[which2].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[which2].alive = FALSE;
- worm[which2].cause = CLOUD;
- worm[which2].victor = -1;
- } }
- MODULE ULONG wormobject(UBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { AUTO UBYTE c = field[x][y], d;
- AUTO ULONG score = object[c].score;
- AUTO UBYTE i, j;
- AUTO SBYTE xx, xxx, yy, yyy;
- AUTO ABOOL done;
- PERSIST SBYTE otherfield[FIELDX + 1][FIELDY + 1];
- for (i = 0; i <= MAGNETS; i++)
- if (magnet[i].alive && x == magnet[i].x && y == magnet[i].y)
- magnet[i].alive = FALSE;
- if (!valid(x, y)) // defensive programming
- { return 0;
- /* AUTO TEXT temp1[SAYLIMIT + 1], temp2[8];
- strcpy(temp1, "BAD OBJECT AT x: ");
- stci_d(temp2, x);
- strcat(temp1, temp2);
- strcat(temp1, ", y: ");
- stci_d(temp2, y);
- strcat(temp1, temp2);
- strcat(temp1, "!");
- say(temp1, worm[player].colour);
- draw(FIELDX + 1, 0, c); // indicates which object
- Delay(250);
- clearkybd();
- anykey(FALSE); */
- }
- switch(c)
- {
- case BONUS:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- i = rand() % (LETTERS + 1);
- letters[player][i] = TRUE;
- drawletter(player, FIRSTLETTER + i, NORMAL);
- break;
- case AMMO:
- effect(FXGET_AMMO);
- worm[player].ammo += (rand() % 5) + 2; /* 2-6 bullets */
- stat(player, AMMO);
- break;
- case ARMOUR:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].armour += MODEADD + (rand() % MODERAND);
- worm[player].mode = ARMOUR;
- stat(player, ARMOUR);
- break;
- case TONGUE:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].tongue += MODEADD + (rand() % MODERAND);
- worm[player].mode = TONGUE;
- stat(player, TONGUE);
- worm[player].last = FIRSTTAIL + player;
- break;
- case NITRO:
- effect(FXGET_NITRO);
- worm[player].nitro = TRUE;
- stat(player, NITRO);
- break;
- case BOMB:
- if (worm[player].mode == NOMODE)
- draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][0][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- else draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][1][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- bombblast(HEAD, player, worm[player].x, worm[player].y);
- break;
- case POWER:
- effect(FXGET_POWERUP);
- if (worm[player].power < POWERLIMIT)
- { worm[player].power += 2;
- stat(player, POWER);
- }
- break;
- case SLAYER:
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive)
- { if (creature[i].species == ORB)
- { effect(FXDEATH_ORB);
- score += creature[i].score;
- creature[i].explode = TRUE;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += ORBBLOOD;
- } elif (creature[i].species == GOAT)
- { effect(FXDEATH_GOAT);
- creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- score += KILLGOAT;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += GOATBLOOD;
- change(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, BONUS);
- } elif (creature[i].species == PENGUIN)
- { effect(FXDEATH_PENGUIN);
- creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- score += KILLPENGUIN;
- if (worm[player].bias)
- worm[player].lives += PENGUINBLOOD;
- change(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, EMPTY);
- } elif (creature[i].species == DRIP || creature[i].species == CLOUD || (creature[i].species == MISSILE && creature[i].type != player))
- { creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- change(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, EMPTY);
- } }
- for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
- if (player != i && worm[i].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[i].alive = FALSE;
- worm[i].cause = SLAYER;
- worm[i].victor = player;
- }
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] == SLIME)
- change(x, y, EMPTY);
- if (worm[player].bias)
- stat(player, LIFE); // we do it here once for efficiency
- break;
- done = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i <= PROTECTORS; i++)
- if (!protector[player][i].alive && !done)
- { do
- { protector[player][i].relx = ((rand() % 2) * 2) - 1;
- protector[player][i].rely = ((rand() % 2) * 2) - 1;
- for (j = 0; j <= PROTECTORS; j++)
- if (i == NOSE || !protector[player][j].alive || protector[player][j].x != xwrap(worm[player].x + protector[player][i].relx) || protector[player][j].y != ywrap(worm[player].y + protector[player][i].rely))
- done = TRUE;
- protector[player][i].alive = TRUE;
- protector[player][i].visible = FALSE;
- protector[player][i].last = EMPTY;
- if (i == NOSE)
- worm[player].position = -1;
- }
- } while (!done);
- }
- break;
- case MISSILE:
- createmissile(player, worm[player].x, worm[player].y);
- break;
- case LIFE:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].lives += (rand() % 5) + 2; /* 2-6 lives */
- stat(player, LIFE);
- break;
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- if (worm[player].multi < MULTILIMIT)
- worm[player].multi *= 2;
- break;
- case BIAS:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].bias += MODEADD + (rand() % MODERAND);
- stat(player, BIAS);
- break;
- case ICE:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].ice += ICEADD + (rand() % ICERAND);
- ice = player;
- icon(player, ICE);
- break;
- case GROWER:
- effect(FXGET_GROWER);
- /* grow silver */
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] == SILVER)
- for (xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++)
- for (yy = y - 1; yy <= y + 1; yy++)
- if (valid(xx, yy))
- if (field[xx][yy] == EMPTY || field[xx][yy] == TEMPTAIL)
- field[xx][yy] = TEMPSILVER;
- /* grow gold */
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] == GOLD)
- for (xx = x - 1; xx <= x + 1; xx++)
- for (yy = y - 1; yy <= y + 1; yy++)
- if (valid(xx, yy))
- if (field[xx][yy] == EMPTY || field[xx][yy] == TEMPTAIL || field[xx][yy] == TEMPSILVER)
- field[xx][yy] = TEMPGOLD;
- /* update field */
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- switch (field[x][y])
- {
- case TEMPGOLD:
- change(x, y, GOLD);
- break;
- change(x, y, SILVER);
- break;
- case TEMPTAIL:
- change(x, y, FIRSTTAIL + player);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case TREASURE:
- treasurer = player;
- if (level)
- { secondsperlevel = 0;
- leveltype = rand() % 3;
- if (leveltype == 0)
- { say("Bonus Level: Treasury!", worm[treasurer].colour);
- leveltype = TREASURE;
- } elif (leveltype == 1)
- { say("Bonus Level: Drips!", worm[treasurer].colour);
- leveltype = DRIP;
- } else
- { // assert(leveltype == 2);
- say("Bonus Level: Penguins!", worm[treasurer].colour);
- leveltype = PENGUIN;
- } }
- secondsperlevel += TREASUREADD + (rand() % TREASURERAND);
- if (level && leveltype != TREASURE)
- secondsperlevel *= 2;
- if (secondsperlevel > TIMELIMIT)
- secondsperlevel = TIMELIMIT;
- if (level)
- { stat(player, BONUS);
- reallevel = level;
- level = 0;
- newlevel(player);
- }
- break;
- case AFFIXER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].affixer = TRUE;
- icon(player, AFFIXER);
- break;
- case SWITCHER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- if (players >= 2)
- for (x = 0; x <= FIELDX; x++)
- for (y = 0; y <= FIELDY; y++)
- if (field[x][y] >= FIRSTTAIL && field[x][y] <= LASTTAIL && field[x][y] != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- change(x, y, FIRSTTAIL + player);
- elif (worm[player].bias && field[x][y] >= FIRSTFIRE && field[x][y] <= LASTFIRE && field[x][y] != FIRSTFIRE + player)
- change(x, y, FIRSTFIRE + player);
- break;
- case HEALER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- if (worm[player].lives < 100)
- worm[player].lives = 100;
- else worm[player].lives = LIVESLIMIT;
- stat(player, LIFE);
- break;
- case UMBRELLA:
- level += (rand() % 2) + 1;
- if (level >= levels)
- level = levels; // fixed?
- for (i = 0; i <= LETTERS; i++)
- letters[player][i] = TRUE;
- break;
- case CLOCK:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- if (secondsleft)
- { secondsperlevel += (rand() % CLOCKRAND) + CLOCKADD;
- if (secondsperlevel > TIMELIMIT)
- secondsperlevel = TIMELIMIT;
- }
- break;
- case SLOWER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive && creature[i].species != MISSILE)
- creature[i].speed = (SBYTE) atleast(creature[i].speed * 2, VERYFAST);
- break;
- case PULSE:
- explosion(xwrap(worm[player].x - worm[player].deltax),
- ywrap(worm[player].y - worm[player].deltay),
- worm[player].deltax,
- worm[player].deltay
- );
- break;
- case REMNANTS:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].remnants = TRUE;
- icon(player, REMNANTS);
- break;
- case SIDESHOT:
- effect(FXGET_POWERUP);
- worm[player].sideshot = TRUE;
- icon(player, SIDESHOT);
- break;
- case MAGNET:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- i = 0;
- field[x][y] = EMPTY; // so that the magnet itself is destroyed
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] <= LASTOBJECT)
- { while (magnet[i].alive && i < MAGNETS)
- i++;
- if (i > MAGNETS)
- { break;
- } else
- { magnet[i].x = xx;
- magnet[i].y = yy;
- magnet[i].object = field[xx][yy];
- magnet[i].player = player;
- magnet[i].alive = TRUE;
- i++;
- } }
- break;
- case CUTTER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].cutter += (rand() % CUTTERRAND) + CUTTERADD;
- icon(player, CUTTER);
- break;
- case CYCLONE:
- /* create cyclones */
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (!(creature[i].alive))
- { effect(FXGET_CYCLONE);
- done = FALSE;
- while (!done)
- { creature[i].x = rand() % (FIELDX + 1);
- creature[i].y = (rand() % (FIELDY - 2)) + 3;
- d = field[creature[i].x][creature[i].y];
- if ((d >= FIRSTEMPTY && d <= LASTEMPTY) || (d >= FIRSTTAIL && d <= LASTTAIL))
- done = TRUE;
- /* Theoretically, this loop could hang... */
- }
- creature[i].last = EMPTY;
- creature[i].speed = VERYFAST;
- creature[i].visible = TRUE;
- creature[i].deltax = 0;
- creature[i].deltay = 0;
- creature[i].species = WHIRLWIND;
- creature[i].alive = TRUE;
- change(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, WHIRLWIND);
- break;
- }
- break;
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- otherfield[xx][yy] = EMPTY;
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- if (field[xx][yy] == FIRSTTAIL + player)
- for (xxx = xx - 1; xxx <= xx + 1; xxx++)
- for (yyy = yy - 1; yyy <= yy + 1; yyy++)
- if (valid(xxx, yyy))
- { d = field[xxx][yyy];
- if (d == ORB
- || d == GOAT
- || d == MISSILE
- || d == PENGUIN
- || d == FRAGMENT
- || (d >= FIRSTTAIL && d <= LASTTAIL && d != FIRSTTAIL + player)
- || (d >= FIRSTHEAD && d <= LASTHEAD)
- || (d >= FIRSTDRIP && d <= LASTDRIP)
- || d <= LASTOBJECT)
- { otherfield[xxx][yyy] = TEMPLIGHTNING;
- draw(xxx, yyy, LIGHTNING);
- } }
- for (xx = 0; xx <= FIELDX; xx++)
- { for (yy = 0; yy <= FIELDY; yy++)
- { if (otherfield[xx][yy] == TEMPLIGHTNING)
- { d = field[xx][yy];
- switch(d)
- {
- case ORB:
- i = whichcreature(xx, yy, ORB, 255);
- if (creature[i].mode == ARMOUR)
- draw(xx, yy, ORBARMOUR);
- else
- { creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- score += creature[i].score;
- change(xx, yy, BONUS);
- }
- break;
- case GOAT:
- creature[whichcreature(xx, yy, GOAT, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- score += KILLGOAT;
- change(xx, yy, BONUS);
- break;
- case MISSILE:
- i = whichcreature(xx, yy, MISSILE, 255);
- if (player != creature[i].type)
- { creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- } else draw(xx, yy, FIRSTMISSILE + player);
- break;
- case PENGUIN:
- score += KILLPENGUIN;
- // note no break here
- case FRAGMENT:
- creature[whichcreature(xx, yy, d, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- break;
- default:
- if (d >= FIRSTDRIP && d <= LASTDRIP)
- { creature[whichcreature(xx, yy, DRIP, 255)].alive = FALSE;
- score += DRIPBONUS;
- if (player == d - FIRSTDRIP && worm[player].bias)
- { worm[player].lives += DRIPBLOOD;
- stat(player, LIFE);
- } }
- elif (d >= FIRSTHEAD && d <= LASTHEAD)
- { if (player != d - FIRSTHEAD && worm[d - FIRSTHEAD].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[d - FIRSTHEAD].alive = FALSE;
- worm[d - FIRSTHEAD].cause = LIGHTNING;
- worm[d - FIRSTHEAD].victor = player;
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- } }
- else /* eg. tail */
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- break;
- } } } }
- break;
- case PUSHER:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].pusher = TRUE;
- icon(player, PUSHER);
- break;
- case FREEDOM:
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- worm[player].freedom += FREEDOMADD + (rand() % FREEDOMRAND);
- if (worm[player].freedom > FREEDOMLIMIT)
- worm[player].freedom = FREEDOMLIMIT;
- icon(player, FREEDOM);
- break;
- effect(FXGET_OBJECT);
- for (i = 0; i <= CREATURES; i++)
- if (creature[i].alive && creature[i].species == FRAGMENT)
- { xx = creature[i].x;
- yy = creature[i].y;
- creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- change(xx, yy, EMPTY);
- createmissile(player, xx, yy);
- }
- break;
- default:
- // assert(0);
- break;
- }
- return(score);
- }
- void icon(SBYTE player, UBYTE image)
- { /* Updates one of the boolean icons. The routine checks
- the status directly. */
- AUTO SBYTE x, y;
- if (!worm[player].statx)
- x = -7;
- else x = FIELDX + 1;
- if (!worm[player].staty)
- y = (FIELDY / 2) - 3;
- else y = (FIELDY / 2) + 3;
- switch(image)
- {
- case AFFIXER:
- if (worm[player].affixer)
- draw(x, y, AFFIXER);
- else draw(x, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case PUSHER:
- if (worm[player].pusher)
- draw(x + 1, y, PUSHER);
- else draw(x + 1, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case REMNANTS:
- if (worm[player].remnants)
- draw(x + 2, y, REMNANTS);
- else draw(x + 2, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case SIDESHOT:
- if (worm[player].sideshot)
- draw(x + 3, y, SIDESHOT);
- else draw(x + 3, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case ICE:
- if (worm[player].ice)
- if (worm[player].ice < 3)
- { if ((r % 4) <= 1)
- draw(x + 4, y, ICE);
- else draw(x + 4, y, BLACKENED);
- }
- else draw(x + 4, y, ICE);
- else draw(x + 4, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case CUTTER:
- if (worm[player].cutter)
- if (worm[player].cutter < 10)
- { if ((r % 4) <= 1)
- draw(x + 5, y, CUTTER);
- else draw(x + 5, y, BLACKENED);
- }
- else draw(x + 5, y, CUTTER);
- else draw(x + 5, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- case FREEDOM:
- if (worm[player].freedom)
- if (worm[player].freedom < 10)
- { if ((r % 4) <= 1)
- draw(x + 6, y, FREEDOM);
- else draw(x + 6, y, BLACKENED);
- }
- else draw(x + 6, y, FREEDOM);
- else draw(x + 6, y, BLACKENED);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } }
- MODULE void wormcol(SBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y, ABOOL enclosed)
- { ABOOL flag;
- UBYTE c = field[x][y], d;
- SBYTE i, xx, yy;
- ULONG score = 0;
- if (c >= FIRSTHEAD && c <= LASTHEAD)
- wormworm(x, y, player, c - FIRSTHEAD);
- elif (c == TIMEBOMB)
- { /* push timebomb */
- i = whichcreature(x, y, TIMEBOMB, 255);
- if (valid(x + worm[player].deltax, y + worm[player].deltay))
- { d = field[x + worm[player].deltax][y + worm[player].deltay];
- if (d <= LASTEMPTY)
- { creature[i].x += worm[player].deltax;
- creature[i].y += worm[player].deltay;
- field[creature[i].x][creature[i].y] = TIMEBOMB;
- draw(creature[i].x, creature[i].y, ZERO + creature[i].time);
- } else
- { if (worm[player].mode == NOMODE)
- draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][0][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- else draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][1][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- bombblast(HEAD, player, worm[player].x, worm[player].y);
- creature[i].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- else score += BOMBOVEREDGE;
- protworm(x, y, c - FIRSTPROTECTOR, player);
- elif (c >= FIRSTMISSILE && c <= LASTMISSILE)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, MISSILE, 255);
- wormmissile(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c >= FIRSTDRIP && c <= LASTDRIP)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DRIP, 255);
- wormdrip(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == STONE || c == GOAT || c == METAL || (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL))
- { flag = TRUE;
- if (worm[player].pusher)
- { xx = x + worm[player].deltax;
- yy = y + worm[player].deltay;
- if (valid(xx, yy))
- { d = field[xx][yy];
- if (d <= LASTEMPTY)
- { flag = FALSE;
- if (c == GOAT)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, GOAT, 255);
- creature[i].x = xx;
- creature[i].y = yy;
- creature[i].visible = FALSE;
- }
- field[xx][yy] = c;
- draw(xx, yy, c);
- } }
- else
- { flag = FALSE;
- score += BOMBOVEREDGE;
- } }
- if (flag)
- { if (c >= FIRSTTAIL && c <= LASTTAIL)
- { if (worm[player].mode == TONGUE)
- { effect(FXUSE_TONGUE);
- if (players > 1)
- if (player == c - FIRSTTAIL)
- { score += TURNTOSILVER;
- worm[player].last = SILVER;
- } else
- { score += TURNTOGOLD;
- worm[player].last = GOLD;
- } }
- elif (!enclosed)
- { worm[player].cause = c;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- worm[player].victor = c - FIRSTTAIL;
- } }
- else
- { worm[player].cause = c;
- worm[player].victor = -1;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- ramming(player);
- } } }
- elif (c == WOOD)
- { if (worm[player].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[player].cause = WOOD;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- worm[player].victor = -1;
- } }
- elif (c == SLIME)
- { if (worm[player].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[player].cause = SLIME;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- worm[player].victor = -1;
- } }
- elif (c == PENGUIN)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, PENGUIN, 255);
- wormpenguin(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == WHIRLWIND)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, WHIRLWIND, 255);
- wormwhirlwind(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == DOG)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, DOG, 255);
- wormdog(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == ORB)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, ORB, 255);
- wormorb(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == FRAGMENT)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, FRAGMENT, 255);
- wormfrag(x, y, player, i);
- } elif (c == CLOUD)
- { i = whichcreature(x, y, CLOUD, 255);
- cloudworm(x, y, i, player);
- } elif (c == TELEPORT)
- { i = whichteleport(x, y);
- if (blocked(i, worm[player].deltax, worm[player].deltay))
- { worm[player].cause = TELEPORT;
- worm[player].victor = -1;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- ramming(player);
- } else
- { effect(FXUSE_TELEPORT);
- score += TELPOINT;
- worm[player].x = xwrap(teleport[level][partner(i)].x + worm[player].deltax);
- worm[player].y = ywrap(teleport[level][partner(i)].y + worm[player].deltay);
- } }
- elif (c >= FIRSTFIRE && c <= LASTFIRE)
- { if (player != c - FIRSTFIRE && worm[player].mode != ARMOUR)
- { worm[player].cause = REMNANTS;
- worm[player].victor = c - FIRSTFIRE;
- worm[player].alive = FALSE;
- } }
- else bothcol(player, x, y);
- wormscore(player, score);
- }
- AGLOBAL void drawhead(SBYTE player, SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { if (worm[player].alive)
- { if (worm[player].mode == NOMODE)
- { draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][0][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- worm[player].flashed = FALSE;
- } else
- { // assert(worm[player].mode == TONGUE || worm[player].mode == ARMOUR);
- if ((worm[player].mode == TONGUE && worm[player].tongue < 10)
- || (worm[player].mode == ARMOUR && worm[player].armour < 10))
- { if (!worm[player].flashed)
- draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][1][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- else draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, WHITENED);
- worm[player].flashed = !worm[player].flashed;
- } else draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, eachworm[player][1][worm[player].deltax + 1 + (worm[player].deltay + 1) * 3]);
- } }
- else draw(worm[player].x, worm[player].y, SKULL);
- }
- AGLOBAL void drawsquare(SBYTE x, SBYTE y)
- { UBYTE which;
- if (field[x][y] == DOG)
- { which = whichcreature(x, y, DOG, 255);
- if (!creature[which].dormant)
- draw(x, y, DOGDORMANT);
- elif (creature[which].dormant <= CHASING)
- draw(x, y, DOGAWAKENING);
- else draw(x, y, DOG);
- } elif (field[x][y] >= FIRSTHEAD && field[x][y] <= LASTHEAD)
- drawhead(field[x][y] - FIRSTHEAD, x, y);
- else draw(x, y, field[x][y]);
- }
- // Must have blank line at EOF.